Title: Crosstalk Measurement Investigation of Glasses Type Stereoscopic Displays
Authors: Chen, Y. T.
Pong, B. J.
Lai, Y. Y.
Tsai, T. C.
Wen, B. J.
Ou-Yang, M.
Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
Keywords: 3D TVs;gray to gray crosstalk;black to white crosstalk;crosstalk evaluation
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: There are three 3D televisions (TVs) used for 3D crosstalk evaluation, including TV1 (PDP with shutter glasses), TV2 (LCD with passive glasses) and TV3 (LCD with shutter glasses). Four 3D crosstalk formulas are investigated, one is black to white (B to W) method of crosstalk evaluation, and the rest of them are dealing gray to gray (G to G) method of crosstalk evaluation. The crosstalk are determined by the four formulas and then compared with each other. In the noticeable crosstalk region, the determined results of four gray to gray crosstalk methods are consistent to illustrate the worse one which is the left channel of TV3. The calculated crosstalk, by these formulas, seems not able to fully quantize the crosstalk effect of 3D TVs. For example, in the left channel of TV3, the result is 2746.9% by using the gray to gray crosstalk method which is proposed by AUO. On the other hand, the result of black to white crosstalk method, 18.24%, is quite different in comparison with AUO proposed method. In this circumstance, the human factor experiments will be performed to verify consistency of the formulas with the human perception.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/135553
ISBN: 978-7-5641-3042-8
Begin Page: 172
End Page: 174
Appears in Collections:Conferences Paper