標題: 客家網路社群資源之比較:以臺灣、中國和馬來西亞為例
A Resource-based View of Hakka Online Communities: A Comparative Study across Taiwan
China and Malaysia
作者: 黃靜蓉
J. Sonia Huang
關鍵字: 客家網路社群;資源基礎觀點;臺灣;中國;馬來西亞;Hakka Online Communities;Resource-based View;China;Taiwan;Malaysia
公開日期: May-2017
出版社: 國立交通大學客家文化學院
College of Hakka Studies
摘要: 資訊化的社會中,分佈於全球的客家人如何借重傳播科技提升我群認同感成為客家網路社群的首要課題。因此本研究聚焦於經營績效良好的客家網路社群,深度訪談14位居住於臺灣、中國和馬來西亞的網路社群負責人,以媒體策略管理學中的資源基礎觀點切入,比較三個地區所屬的17家網站、論壇、部落格、社群的經營現況。研究結果,依地區來分,臺灣客家網路社群較具備獨特財產資源、中國客家網路社群則較善於累積系統財產資源,而馬來西亞客家網路社群則擁有較穩固的系統知識資源。依類型分,網路原生型客家社群多是站長獨立經營,長時間既出錢又出力,風險較高;依附實體社團型的客家網路社群之經營模式多數有專人負責,且有輪替制度,較能永續。
With the advancement of information and communication technologies at the end of the 20th century
increasing numbers of Hakka communities have created a new presence on the Internet. However
we wanted to determine how well the Hakka online communities manage the Internet to strengthen ethnic identity. The present study adopted a resource-based view framework
commonly used in media strategic management
and interviewed 14 owners or webmasters of Hakka websites
or social media based in Taiwan
and Malaysia. Results show that Taiwan’s Hakka online communities were better at collecting discrete property-based resources than those in other countries
China’s Hakka online communities possessed more systematic property-based resources
and Malaysia’s online Hakka communities were equipped with more systematic knowledge-based resources. Moreover
Hakka online-only communities operated and sponsored by certain individuals were more risky
whereas Hakka online communities backed by real-world associations were more sustainable because of their rotation system.
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=45&CA_ID=478
ISSN: 2310-8436
期刊: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Volume: 8
起始頁: 75
結束頁: 116
Appears in Collections:Global Hakka Studies

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