標題: Charge Transfer and Storage in MAOS Structures
作者: 陳茂傑
Mao-Chieh Chen
公開日期: 七月-1975
出版社: 交大學刊編輯委員會
摘要: Metal/Aluminum-oxide/Silicon-oxide/Silicon (MAOS) structures consisted of 900Å thick Al2O3 films deposited by rf reactive sputtering on thermally grown SiO2 layers 70-500Å thick, were made and demonstrated switching and charge storage capabilities using the capacitance-voltage technique. With positive voltage applied to the metal gate, negative charge is easily introduced into the oxide system.The removal of the negtive charge from the system and/or introduction of positive charge into the system can be accomplished by applying negative voltage to the metal. However, the charge transfer in the latter process is not as easily accomplished as those in the former process.The memory retention characteristics of the MAOS structure were also investigated. MAOSFET was fabricated. It demonstrats the threshold voltage can be easily changed.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/137413
期刊: 交大學刊
Volume: 8
Issue: 1
起始頁: 145
結束頁: 156


  1. HT001306-15.pdf

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