標題: 雷射鑽孔過程的熱效應
Thermal Effect of the Laser-Drilling Processes
作者: 黃廣志
Kuang-Chih Huang
Long-Sheng Hsu
公開日期: 十二月-1976
摘要: A model that uses a continuous, distributed, and moving heat source to describe the temperature profile for laser-drilled-holes has been developed. A new mathematical approach has been systematically performed in detail. The temperature profile of the laser-formed hole are calculated to indicate the magnitude of thise factors that can influence the process of the removal of materials. A modified CO2 laser system, based on double-pulse-discharge technique [1], has been set up. Using this modified laser system, the experimental results are found to be in agreement with the mathematical analysis.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/137575
期刊: 交通大學學報
The Journal of National Chiao Tung University
Volume: 2
起始頁: 193
結束頁: =O49-1


  1. HT001308-19.pdf

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