Title: 承載歷史記憶與打造文化經濟:馬來西亞近打錫礦博物館
Carrying Historical Memories and Building Cultural Economy: The Kinta Tin Mining Museum in Malaysia
Authors: 黃文斌
Wun Bin Wong
Seng Leong Chew
Hong-yan Zhu
Keywords: 馬來西亞;近打錫礦工業(砂泵)博物館;錫礦;Malaysia;Kinta Tin Mining (Gravel Pump) Museum;tin mining
Issue Date: Nov-2017
Publisher: 國立交通大學客家文化學院
College of Hakka Studies
Abstract: 本文主要介紹一間位於馬來西亞霹靂州金寶縣稱為「近打錫礦工業(砂泵)博物館」的組織。金寶縣曾於在1886年至1985年盛產錫礦,從事錫礦業者自多數是客家人。這間錫礦工業博物館是由廣東省嘉應州(今稱梅州)客家籍錫礦家,也是金寶新街場的實業家——丘思東(1931-)所創辦的錫礦業博物館。它展示了馬來(西)亞華族先輩移民到馬來(西)亞霹靂州從事錫礦業的歷史,也記錄了他們漂洋過海到此拓荒開土與建設城鎮的貢獻。如今,他不僅是一間供教學用途博物館,更是是一間打造旅遊業,帶動金寶縣新經濟發展的新據點。
This paper mainly introduces a museum named "Kinta Tin Mining (Gravel Pump) Museum", which is located in Kampar, Perak, Malaysia. The museum is founded by Tan Sri Hew See Tong, a Ka Yin Hakka tin miner in Kampar. Displayed in the museum is the history of Chinese tin mining industry in Malaya or Malaysia - where the ancestors of Malaysian Chinese migrated to Perak state and involved in the tin mining industry - as well as their contributions in the construction of Perak towns. Today, besides serving as a platform for educational purposes, the museum also acts as a potential spot to promote tourism and in turn generates new economic developments in Kampar.
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=46&CA_ID=496
ISSN: 2310-8436
Journal: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Volume: 9
Begin Page: 289
End Page: 304
Appears in Collections:Global Hakka Studies

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