標題: 應用資料包絡分析分配異質航線之資源
Resource Allocation for Heterogeneous Lines of Shipping Company with Data Envelopment Analysis
作者: 張凱婷
Chang, Kai-Ting
Chen, Mu-Chen
Yu, Ming-Miin
關鍵字: 定期航運;中央化資料包絡分析;共同邊界;資源分配;Liner Shipping;Data Envelopment Analysis;Meta Frontier;Resource Allocation
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 台灣四面環海,經濟成長主要仰賴國際貿易,近10年來海洋運輸之總量占全國總量99%以上,國際航線遍布全球。定期航運有固定航線、固定港口與船期,其運輸模式通常與營運績效有緊密的關聯性。航運公司為了追求企業的最大利潤及企業永續發展,除了增加營收與增加貨櫃裝載率外,更重要的是降低營運成本,因此如何透過內部資源分配的方式,降低成本並提高營運效能,是一個重要的課題。過去對航運業營運績效的研究,大多以整體產業與財務績效為探討主軸,少有以公司內部航線做為分析對象,雖有文獻採用DEA對航商內部航線進行營運績效分析,但鮮少透過DEA針對航商異質航線資源進行分配,本研究以台灣某定期航運公司亞洲區間航線為研究對象。 中央化資料包絡分析(Centralized Data Envelopment Analysis, CDEA)是以中央決策者(Decision Maker)的觀點,對整體決策單位進行評估,以達到整體決策單位的目標,共同邊界(Meta Frontier, MF)的基本概念是強調生產技術與不同決策單位(DMU)的異質性,以反映區域、類型、規模和其他的屬性。本研究依據定期航運業的產業特性,結合CDEA與Meta Frontier兩種模式,建構CDEA-MF模型,且將模式分為群組模式與整體模式,在航商現有資源不變下,各航線營運產出達到最佳,分析航商航線的實際營運資料及分配航線資源,並比較群組航線與整體航線資源分配之差異。研究結果顯示整體模式分配後的資源量與群組模式分配後的資源量有所差異,艙位容量在群組與整體結果中變化最為明顯,可能會間接影響到航線收入,空櫃調度資源已達到效率邊界,若要產生更多航線收入則要減少其他投入的資源量,而航商應以中央決策者的角度來分配整體航線投入資源,以產生更多航線收入。
Taiwan is surrounded by the sea and Taiwan’s economic growth mainly relies on international trade. Since the last decade, the total maritime transport accounts for more than 99% of the national total. International routes are all over the world. Liner shipping has fixed routes, fixed ports and schedule. The mode of transportation is usually closely associated with operational performance. In addition to increasing revenue and container loading rate, shipping companies in pursuit of maximum profits and sustainable development of enterprises, whose most important means is to reduce operating cost. Therefore, how to reduce costs and improve operational efficiency through internal resource allocation methods is a critical issue. Most of the studies on the operating performance of the shipping industry in the past focus on the discussion about the financial performance of the industry as a whole. As for the spindle, internal routes as object of analysis is seldom shown. Although there are some references analyzing the data through DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) for shipping companies to operate internal routes performance analysis, few studies use DEA to allocate the heterogeneous route of shipping companies. In this study, Asian shipping routes of one shipping company in Taiwan would be the main research object. Centralized Data Envelopment Analysis is a central point of decision makers, assessing the overall decision-making unit in order to achieve the overall goal of the decision making units. The basic concept of Meta Frontier is to emphasize the heterogeneity of production technology with different decision making units (DMUs) to reflect region, type, scale and other inherent attributes. In this study, we combine the Centralized Data Envelopment Analysis and Meta Frontier to develop the CDEA-MF model. We use this model to evaluate the lines of shipping company for resource allocation of a given resource. The results show that the apparent changes of slottage may indirectly affect the airline revenue. Containers reposition resource efficiency has reached the border. To generate more revenue, the amount of other resources would have to be reduced. Shipping companies should allocate the whole route to invest resources from the perspective of the central-decision makers in order to generate more revenue routes.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353671