標題: 任務型群眾外包的社群推薦機制
A Social Recommendation Mechanism for Task-oriented Crowdsourcing
作者: 魏啟軒
Wei, Chi-Hsuan
Li, Yung-Ming
關鍵字: 任務型;群眾外包;社群網路;社群關係;社群推薦;Task-oriented;Crowdsourcing;Social networks;Social relationship;Social recommendation
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 近年來,群眾外包是一種在網路上解決問題的新興方式,群眾外包倚賴人力資源去解決網路上大大小小的任務。根據統計直到2015年9月,世界群眾外包組織維護了將近3000個群眾外包平台,很明顯的,有太多的群眾外包平台,導致有許多的任務隱藏在廣大的網路上,不輕易被人們所發現,更有許多研究指出,許多想幫忙解決任務的人,很難找到符合他們興趣和能力的任務,因此浪費許多時間甚至是放棄尋找。所以本研究的目的為發展一個結合社群的任務型群眾外包推薦機制,幫助發起任務的人可以更簡單、更容易的找到適合的人力資源,而這些人力資源是擁有高意願並且能產出高品質的貢獻,進而幫助雙方建立一個長期的合作關係並造成雙贏的結果。
Crowdsourcing is a new trend to use the wisdom of crowds on the Internet to solve some problems that need enormous human resources. As of September 2015, crowdsourcing.org, one of the leading crowdsourcing industry websites, maintains a directory of almost 3000 crowdsourcing platforms in a plethora of application domains. The crowdsourcing platform landscape is largely distributed and most of the tasks remain hidden to the vast majority of the crowd. Many studies have shown that contributors struggle to find those tasks that closely match their personal interests and capabilities. So our research will design a social-based and task-oriented crowdsourcing recommendation mechanism that requesters can easily find suitable contributors to accept and be willing to finish their tasks with high quality and further establish a long-term partnership to bring profitable to both sides.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353434