標題: 美國上市公司執行長權力與企業價值: 組織資本的角色
CEO Power and Firm Performance of U.S Firms:The Role of Organization Capital
作者: 高彩瑄
關鍵字: 執行長權力;組織資本;公司價值;CEO power;Organization Capital;Firm performance
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 本研究欲探討公司治理核心議題之一:執行長權力對於公司價值之影響。過去文獻主要從代理理論、管家理論、組織理論以及當公司處於不同情況之下來探討執行長權力對於公司價值的影響。然而本研究藉由觀察組織資本是一項能夠維持公司持續競爭優勢之特殊結構、組織設計以及企業經營流程的無形資產,為影響公司長期表現的關鍵效率因子,而執行長對於組織資本具有控制權,因此本研究推測組織資本在執行長權力與公司價值之間關係將可能扮演重要之角色。 本研究主要以北美上市公司作為研究樣本,並以執行長是否身兼公司創辦人、執行長是否為董事會唯一內部董事以及執行長是否身兼公司董事長作為執行長權力代理變數。研究結果顯示組織資本為執行長權力與企業價值之間關係之主要關鍵因子,藉由對於組織資本的控制,進而影響公司價值。
The objective of this paper is to investigatethe effects of CEO power on firm performance. Previous studies have focused on agency theory, stewardship theory, organization theory and different circumstances to explain the relationship between CEO power and firm performance. Organization capital is an intangible asset that couldgenerate sustainable competitive advantages. And CEOs have the control over organization capital. Therefore, this study suggests that organization capital might play an important role to explain the effects of CEO power on firm performance. This paper use “CEO founder”, ”CEO only insider” and “CEO duality” as the proxy of CEO power. The results of this study reveal that organization capital is the key factor that could explain the relationship between CEO power and firm performance.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353924
Appears in Collections:Thesis