標題: 適用於Android行動裝置的X學務系統之研究
Study X system of Academic Affairs for Android Mobile Devices
作者: 周季賢
Lee, Jong-Eao
Tsai, Jia-Lun
關鍵字: X學務;Android;PHP;JAVA;SSL;X system of Academic Affairs;Android;PHP;JAVA;SSL
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 在這個高度IT化的時代,任何與生活工作相關的事務除了能夠以桌上型電腦操作之外,使用者也會期待在行動式裝置上也能使用相同的服務。本論文將針對現有的桃園市X學務系統,將其操作的介面由桌上型電腦的網站型態延伸到行動式裝置的原生APP,期望能為使用該學務系統的教師與校務人員提升系統操作的便利性。 為使學務系統能夠延伸到行動式裝置,本論文整合了JAVA、PHP與T-SQL等相關程式配合資料庫開發技術,設計出了一套Android行動式裝置適用的APP,並採用SSL技術為網際網路傳輸的資料加密,確保安全性。 APP系統的功能主要分為三大部分,教師在登入系統之後,第一部分該教師可針對所教授班級的平時成績與定期考進行檢視或評分,並且支援語音輸入功能,讓教師在輸入學生分數時可以省卻手寫輸入的麻煩。第二部分則提供教師可以檢視該學期授課班級的學期成績報表,與該班學生的平時平均成績分數與學期總平均分數。第三部分則提供導師檢視自己班級學生的個人背景資訊,如姓名、地址、緊急聯絡人與生日等,並提供電話直接撥打的功能。
Nowadays, people using desktop computer to manage life and work, but users would expect to have the same type of service on the mobile devices. This thesis will focus on the existing system of Taoyuan City X system of Academic Affairs. The objective is to extend the system form not only working on web page for desktop broswers, but also apply to native application of mobile devices, to increase the convenience of system usage for the teachers and school administrators. For the purpose of extending the X system to mobile devices, the thesis integrates JAVA, PHP, T-SQL, database and other develop technologies to design an app running on Android type of mobile devices. By using Java to build front end user interface, PHP to build back end control, T-SQL to manage database, and using SSL encryption technology to secure internet data transmission. The system functions of this mobile app can be divided into three major parts. In the first part, after logining to the system, the teachers can look up and grade his/her student’s score, including regular, midterm and final examines. This part also supports voice recognition input to save time for hand writing or typing. The second part will automatic generate different reports for the average scroe of whole class and the average scroe of individual student. The last part provides student’s personal information. For example, name, phone number, address, emergency contacts. Users can also dial the phone number on the list via the mobile phone by only a single touch.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070352817