DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChang, Wan-Tingen_US
dc.contributor.authorLee, Jong-Eaoen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究主要是根據問題導向學習法(PBL)設計實驗課程來探討學生新舊知識的連結,課程單元以高中基礎化學(二)「有機物質的一般性質」為主題。研究對象為新竹市某高中二年級的兩個理組班級(研究樣本共84人)。研究設計採用前實驗設計,觀察在PBL的課程訓練下,學生新舊知識概念連結狀況。為了能有時間進行PBL實驗課程,在知識建立上需要更有效率的教學。在教學活動前先施予前測用以了解學生迷思概念為何。教學活動結束後施予開放性問題,以期能夠了解問題導向學習法對學生科學概念連結時的影響與實驗操作上的困難處,並作為日後教學上的參考與建議。 研究結果發現: 1.於實驗前將易混淆的觀念先施測,可幫助學生釐清概念、增強記憶,也有助於實驗時的觀察與紀錄。實驗設計難度符合學生能力,配合同組合作、分組競爭的學習模式,讓每個組員都有自己必須善盡的工作,參與度大大提升。 2.期末學業成就測驗的成績發現,藉由問題導向學習的實驗課程,對於以往學生較容易產生混淆的概念學生答題正確率高,記憶保存率佳。實驗過程中學生有實際操作的實驗藥品印象較為深刻,對於同一類物質相關性質的類推能力尚待加強。 3.PBL實驗課程確實能讓學生將舊知識與新知識連結,也有發揮創意的空間,學生在合作學習中一起設計實驗解決問題很有成就感,對於該觀念印象也更深刻。在實驗後再次討論可以讓學生檢視自己的缺失以及提出改進的策略,有利於下次課程的進行。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study is based on problem-based learning curriculum design experiments to discuss how the students’ background knowledge is linked to new knowledge by means of use the topic "the general nature of the organic substance". The subjects of this study are high school sophomores from Hsinchu. The sample consists of 84 students from two classes. This study use a pre-experimental design to observe how the students’ background knowledge is linked to new knowledge under the training of PBL. In order to have time for PBL courses, more efficient teaching is needed. Students will be tested in a preliminary test before the experiment to find out what concepts the students are unclear or confused about. After the teaching activity the students will answer open-ended questions to help teachers understand how the students link science concepts when learning science, and find the difficulties in the experimental operation. This can be helpful for teachers to use as a reference and it also highly recommended in the teaching for the future. The results showed that 1.With the help of a preliminary test students confusing concepts are clarified, memory is enhanced. In the meantime, it also contributes to students attentiveness in the observation and recording of the experiment results. The difficulty of this experiment design is to align with the ability of the students. Group cooperation learning and group competition model will allow each team member to have his or her own role, in which he or she must play and his or her participation will be enhanced. 2.The test result of the final examination showed that problem-based learning curriculum enabled students to better understand the concepts that were previously confusing. The test result also showed that students answered examination questions correctly in high percentage. The problem-based curriculum also enhanced the memory of students. During this experiment, students have more profound impression on chemicals that they actually used. The ability and competence of referring the same type of materials have to be strengthened. 3.PBL experimental courses allow students to have more capacity in thinking and creativity. Students gain strong and positive feeling of achievements in cooperative learning. The following discussion after the experiment students to exam their own insufficient strategies and make proper improvements, which help in the future courses.en_US
dc.subjectmeaningful learningen_US
dc.subjectcooperative learningen_US
dc.subjectproblem-based learningen_US
dc.titleUse PBL curriculum design high school organic chemistry experiment to study how the students’ background knowledge is linked to new knowledge.en_US