標題: 市場均衡與其賽局: 一個演算法的方法
Market Equilibria and Games: An Algorithmic Approach
作者: 陸雨新
Lu, Yu-Sin
Chen, Po-An
關鍵字: 賽局理論;市場均衡;分散式演算法;Market Equilibria;Alternating Minimization;Price of Anarchy
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 在經濟領域裡,長期探討如何找到一組價格與分配商品方法,使得市場 維持一個平衡的狀態,其中以物易物市場模型是最為一般性的市場模型。本 論文探討以物易物市場中,如何找到一組價格以及分配商品方法,能夠讓市 場維持平衡,並提出一個分散式演算法,能夠給出此市場均衡;除此之外, 在費雪賽局中,我們限制每位賣家的商品最多只能賣給d位買家,並且去分 析最差均衡解與最佳解之間的比值。
In Mathematical Economics, the exchange market model by Arrow and Debreu along with a concept of market equilibrium is well-known. In this thesis, we propose an alternating minimization algorithm which gives a market equilibrium in the Linear Arrow-Debreu Market. Additionally, we define Fisher market games on bounded-degree bipartite graphs. In this case, we analyze the lower bound on the Price of Anarchy.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353433