標題: 物聯網應用使用意願之探討-以智能手環為例
A Study of the Willingness of Using IoT Applications: A Case of Smart Wristband
作者: 林子倫
Lin, Tzu-Lun
Yang, Chyan
關鍵字: 物聯網;穿戴式裝置;使用意願;科技就緒指標;Internet of Things;Wearable Device;Use Intention;TRI
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 根據高德納諮詢公司(Gartner Group)在2015年提出的研究報告指出,在眾多新興資訊科技技術中,物聯網(Internet of Things)已經成為大眾期待度最高的一項,甚至超越大數據(Big Data),其涵蓋範圍包括智慧城市、智慧工廠、智慧醫療、智慧交通、智慧建築、智慧家庭、智慧零售以及智慧行動化等範疇,而在最近幾年所興起的穿戴式裝置風潮下,智慧手環更成為了一般大眾接觸物聯網應用的主要媒介之一。 於上述研究背景與動機下,本研究之目的係以智慧手環為例,藉由研究使用者的TRI(Technology Readiness Index)以及社群影響度,推估智慧手環的使用意願,進而指出當科技公司欲推出新產品像智能手環時時,需要考慮先以那些族群為主要的目標客戶群。 本研究發現,TRI除了會直接影響智能手環的使用意願之外,同時也會透過績效期望度以及辛勞期望度去間接的影響,而不同的年齡層其影響程度也不盡相同。
The Gartner Hype Cycle report in 2015 on emerging IT technologies mentioned that the IoT(Internet of Things) has already became the most popular one in “Peak of Inflated Expectations” stage, even higher than that of the Big Data. The scope of the IoT technology including smart city, smart factory, smart health care, smart transportation, smart building, smart home, smart retail and smart mobility. The smart wristband is a wearable device for people to interact with the IoT applications. The purpose of this study is to estimate the use intention by the user’s TRI (Technology Readiness Index) and the social influence. Moreover, we identified the kind of the customers should be considered first when company plan to develop and promote the new products, such as smart wristband. We found that TRI not only influences the use intension directly but also does that indirectly via the performance expectancy and effort expectancy, and the degree of the influence is different in various kinds of the age.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363701