標題: 一個基於使用者自願提供資料換取免費上網的行動廣告系統
A Mobile Advertising System Based on User Provided Information in Exchange for Free Internet Surfing
作者: 王派軒
Wang, Pai-Hsuan
Yuan, Shyan-Ming
關鍵字: 行動廣告;Mobile Advertising
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 隨著行動通訊技術的高速發展,智慧型手機快速普及,手機用戶已經超過電腦用戶,行動廣告的潛在市場規模也已超越電腦網路廣告。如此龐大的商機,吸引行動廣告公司的爭相成立。廣告活動成功的關鍵,在於適當時機向適當的目標對象打廣告,因此,如何更精準的找到潛在客戶,是行動廣告公司一直努力的方向。 本論文提出的基於免費上網的行動廣告系統,可以讓行動廣告公司從消費者身上得到寶貴的資訊,加以分析後就可以得知消費者的偏好,進而將適當的廣告投放到消費者的手機。消費者則提供自己的感興趣的地點或商店給予行動廣告公司,來獲得免費上網額度,降低財務負擔。
With the rapid development of mobile communication technology, the popularity of smartphones accelerates. Mobile phone users have surpassed computer users, and mobile advertising potential market size has gone beyond the computer network ones. Such a huge opportunity attracts mobile advertising companies competing to set up. The key campaign success of advertisement is putting right advertisements to the right customers. Therefore, how to find potential customers more precise is the course of action the company has been advertising efforts. This thesis presents a free-surf -based mobile advertising system that allows mobile advertising company obtained valuable information from consumers. After analyzing this information, mobile advertising company is able to appropriate suitable advertisement to the consumer phone. Consumers provide their interested places or click mobile advertising to get free Internet access credit for reducing the financial burden.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070156809