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dc.contributor.authorNi, Juo-Chiaen_US
dc.contributor.authorShieh, Hwai-Shuhen_US
dc.description.abstract智慧型行動裝置時代來臨,行動購物逐漸被消費者接受,並因此漸漸改變大眾生活方式,越來越多消費者選擇使用網路購物而非親身去實體店面購買產品,使得業者開始重視行動購物,期待透過增加銷售管道創造更大的收益。對業者而言,若能理解如何增加消費者行動購物的意願,無疑能帶來更多的獲利。近年來,電子商務領域已被廣泛探討與應用,但有關行動購物之議題卻相對較少被討論,因此本研究著重探討電子商務領域中之行動購物範疇,行動購物網站不同的介面設計方式與消費者使用行動購物意願之關聯性。 就消費行為而言,消費者會因外在環境刺激受到影響,而引發內在心理的特殊情感回應,進一步產生衝動性購買意圖。藉此本研究透過Mehrabian and Russell提出之M-R模型,針對行動購物網站介面設計方式提出「固定欄寬」與「響應式網頁」兩個因素構面,在行動載具提出「平板電腦」與「手機」兩個因素構面,根據這些因素構面設計四種行動購物網站介面,透過網路問卷調查與統計分析方法,探討網站介面是否顯著影響「愉悅」與「激發」情感回應,以及不同情感回應對「衝動性購買意願」之影響。本研究結果發現行動購物介面設計方式,對愉悅與激發情感回應的影響上存在顯著關係,行動載具的介面設計方式對情感回應沒有顯著交互影響效果,行動購物介面設計所引發之愉悅情感與衝動性購買,被證實具有正向顯著相關,而激發情感與衝動性購買,則被證實具有反向顯著相關。本研究成果能提供參考建議,讓有意開發行動購物網站的設計者,能更瞭解介面設計方式與情感狀態對消費者衝動性購買之影響,發展出更能誘發消費者衝動性購買的行動購物介面。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAs the age of smart handheld device rise, the use of mobile shopping website has been gradually accepted by consumers. Therefore, consumer behavior is generally changing due to the impact of mobile commerce. More and more consumers choose online shopping rather than go to a physical store to buy products in person, so the industry began to pay attention to mobile shopping, look forward to creating more revenue by increasing the sales pipeline. For the industry terms, if they can understand how to increase impulse purchase intention of mobile shopping, undoubtedly can bring more profit for them. In recent years, e-commerce applications has been widely discussed and adopted, but issues on mobile commerce are relatively less discussed. The study emphasizes on mobile commerce and the influence of interface for mobile shopping website on consumer’s impulse purchase intention. In terms of consumer behavior, the stimulation and influence of external environment will trigger consumers’ specific internal and psychological emotional responses and eventually develop impulse purchase intention. The study uses M-R model as the framework, proposed the two dimensions for the interface design of mobile shopping website, including “fixed column width” and “Responsive Web Design”. In terms of “mobile devise” this study proposed two dimensions, including “tablet” and “smart phone”. Four kinds of mobile shopping website interfaces were designed according to these dimensions to test whether the website interface affects the emotional responses of “pleasure” and “arousal,” as well as to understand the effect of different emotions on “impulse purchase intention.” The research results showed that the interface design of mobile shopping website do have a significant effect on individual emotional responses of pleasure and arousal. There is no significant correlation between the interface design and mobile device. The significant positive correlation between the emotional response of pleasure and impulse purchase intention induced by mobile shopping website is verified. Therefore, there is significant correlation between emotional response of arousal and impulse purchase intention. The research results can be provided as reference for the designers who intend to develop mobile shopping website to better understand the effects of interface design and emotional responses on consumers’ impulse purchase behavior, as well as to develop the mobile interface which can better trigger consumers’ impulse purchase intention.en_US
dc.subjectMobile commerceen_US
dc.subjectM-R modelen_US
dc.subjectResponsive Web Designen_US
dc.titleThe Influence of Visual Interface for Mobile Shopping Website on Consumer’s Impulse Purchase Intentionen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis