Title: 中小企業創業成功的關鍵因素:以C公司為例
The Key Factor of a Successful Small and Medium Enterprise: A Case of C Corporation
Authors: 汪修賢
Wang, Hsiu-Hsien
Chung, Huimin
Wang, Yau-De
Keywords: 利基市場;重包裝紙箱;出口不振;技術斷層;Niche Market;Carton of High Load;Exports decline;Technical fault
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 台灣總體經濟結構以中小企業為主,諸多中小企業無法營運超過3年,能夠營運超過5年者更少,本研究透過個案研究法探討中小企業創業成功的關鍵因素,其成功的關鍵因素,來自創業者深入理解與掌握市場脈動,根據自身「智慧」、「經驗」與「理性」深入分析未來創業的利基市場,找到合適的利基市場以後,積極開發顧客且秉持「以和為貴」的理念,跟同業維持既競爭又合作的關係,共同創造「雙贏」的局勢,使得新創事業以穩定成長茁壯。
Small and medium enterprises support economic development in Taiwan. Many enterprises operate less than 3 years, and few enterprises operate more than 5 years. Thus, this study investigates the key factor of a successful enterprise by case study. The key factor is that founders accurately grasp the market development; moreover, founders carefully investigate the goal market and seek niche market according to their wisdom, experience and rationality. They actively create business opportunities and maintain the relationship of competition and cooperation with competitors. Founder and competitors create a win-win situation at peace. There is benefit that a new enterprise grows.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363023
Appears in Collections:Thesis