Title: 台灣類比IC設計產業面臨紅色供應鏈的挑戰與因應策略分析
Challenge and Responsive Strategy Analysis of Taiwan Analog IC Design Industry for Red Supply Chain
Authors: 陳育川
Chen, Yu-Chuan
Liu, Duen-Ren
Keywords: 進口替代;邊際效應遞減;紅色供應鏈;Import substitution;Diminishing marginal effect;Red Supply Chain
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 台灣位居世界重要科技產品製造國之一,科技產業曾經有過快速成長的輝煌歲月,但是政府早期大力提倡數位科技,對於類比IC反而著墨不深。在快速成長供不應求的發展時期,類比IC產品在台灣市場主要是以外商為主,國內自製比率偏低,在市占率不到全球的1%的情況下,成長的空間與潛力都非常大。
關鍵詞: 進口替代、邊際效應遞減、紅色供應鏈
Taiwan has been a key technology products manufacturer in the world. In the early days, the government used to focus more attention on promoting Digital IC Design rather than Analog IC Design, so the major players of Taiwan’s Analog IC Design products were international companies but not domestic manufacturers.
Prior to year 2010, Taiwan Analog IC Design companies continued to accumulate design capability and experiences and cooperated with their customers’ development to shorten the lead time to response to the substantial change of order demand and implement the extended services for RoHS and Hub management.
The years from 2002 to 2012 were the rapid growth gold age of Analog IC Design companies, whereas they faced the pressure to move the companies to Mainland China for cost reduction. They were forced to reallocate the resources from accumulating the design capability to cost reduction which reduce the dynamics for sustainable growth. Because of cost reduction, they incurred the difficulty for putting in more resources but with the result of diminishing marginal effect. Taiwan Analog IC Design companies encountered the bottlenecks in the industry development.
The development of Mainland China’s IC Design history was very similar to Taiwan’s. Red Supply Chain is the result of import substitution and Mainland China government’s policy. Taiwan government used to offer generous Investment tax credits to electronics industry and Mainland China offered the preferential on the Rent Fu and interest subsidy. Moreover, the China government agencies and government-owned businesses need to make purchases from domestic companies.
This research attempts to examine the rise of Red Supply Chain and review the challenges of Taiwan Analog IC Design industry. Responsive strategy analysis suggested that the Analog IC Design should use past advantages to accumulate design capability, and further transform and relocate Taiwan’s Analog IC Design industries to high value-added industries.
Key words: Import substitution, Diminishing marginal effect, Red Supply Chain
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363029
Appears in Collections:Thesis