Title: 脈絡整合對三角形三心學習成效之研究
Effects of Context Integration on Circumcenter, Incenter and Centroid of a Triangle
Authors: 翁敏傑
Keywords: 認知負荷;多媒體教學;三角形三心;Cognitive Load;Multimedia Teaching;Circumcenter;Incentre;Centroid
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 中文摘要
本研究主要採用數位工具,針對九年一貫課程九年級數學領域「三角形的外心、內心與重心」單元進行教學研究,採準實驗研究設計,探討學習者之學習成效與認知負荷差異。研究使用Microsoft Powerpoint軟體並輔以AMA增益集,實驗組與控制組分別採用脈絡整合與教科書敘述脈絡。研究主要發現如下:
1. 學生學習成就結論:
(1) 實驗組與控制組前後測成績達顯著差異,兩組教材皆可達成有效教學目標
(2) 實驗組與控制組在後測組間分析未達顯著差異;而在延後測中達顯著差異。顯示脈絡整合為教學情境設計,有助於認知基模的擴張。
2. 學習認知負荷結論:
(1) 以認知負荷理論之教材設計皆可提高上課意願、理解程度與降低精神耗費、學習困難等效果。
(2) 實驗組與控制組認知負荷無顯著差異。適當教材設計皆能降低認知負荷,不受教材設計脈絡之影響。
(3) 實驗組因脈絡整合之教學脈絡,更能使學習者投入於學習情境中增加有效認知負荷並專注於學習。
This study was mainly employed by digital tools. In order to explore the learners’ learning achievements and the differences of their cognitive load, we adopted a teaching research about the unit “Circumcenter, Incenter and Centroid of Triangle” in Grade 1-9 Curriculum of mathematics. This was a quasi-experiment study by using Microsoft PowerPoint assisted with AMA (Activate Mind and Attention). The experimental group, based on the Cognitive Load Theory and adopted context integration model to teach .The control group, based on the narrative context of the textbook and adopted knowledge-oriented model to teach. The major results of this study are as following:
1. Aspects of students’ learning achievements:
(1) There was significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores of the experimental group and the control group on the Mathematical Learning Achievement Test. It might refer that both of the teaching materials were able to reach the purpose of effective teaching.
(2) There was no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group in the post-test. However, there was significant difference in the delayed post-test. Through the design of the task- oriented teaching environment, it was helped to expand cognitive schemas.
2. Aspects of the cognitive load:
(1) Through the teaching materials of cognitive load theory, it illustrates that we can increase students’ learning willingness and elevates the level of understanding; even reduce the loss of their spirit and the learning difficulties.
(2) There was no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group in the cognitive load. An appropriate teaching materials can reduce the cognitive load, it is not affected by the teaching context.
(3) Because of the task-oriented model used in the experimental group, the learners engaged in their learning more to increase the effective cognitive load and focused on their learning.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070352803
Appears in Collections:Thesis