標題: 一個適用於商圈的互助型O2O廣告系統
A Reciprocal O2O Advertising System for Shopping District
作者: 黃則維
Huang, Tse-Wei
Yuan, Shyan-Ming
關鍵字: 行動廣告;廣告系統;離線商務模式;QR碼;Mobile Advertising;Advertising System;O2O;QR Code
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 商圈是由許多商家根據地域性所組合起來的一個精華區,除了提供了市民消費、娛樂功能更能促進經濟、藝文流行與城市活動。 在台灣,因為地狹人稠的關係,商圈充滿了大量的小型店家,這些小型商家必須要具有獨特口味或特色,才會被消費者注意到;而新開幕、地點不好或較平凡的店家,礙於其能力及資本限制,只能透過傳統的方式打廣告增加曝光率,如:發廣告傳單、口耳相傳以及在社群網路上推廣;但在商家稠密的商圈中,這些方法能達到的效果依然有限。 為了解決此問題,本論文提出了一個適用於商圈的廣告系統;透過點數與獎勵機制,鼓勵商家互助合作,賺取點數;系統讓商家可以自行製作含有QR Code的廣告圖片,商家可選擇將廣告透過本系統提供的WiFi方式傳送給客人或張貼在店面之中,除了讓商家可以因應不同的經營型態選擇廣告方式,更能透過QR Code讓商家的廣告達到O2O的效果;透過本系統,商家能以低成本的方式達到較好廣告效果,解決廣告成效不彰的問題。
A shopping district is the essence of the lot composed of many businesses depending on their location. In addition to providing people the consumption, entertainment features, shopping districts also promote economic, popular arts and urban activities. In Taiwan, because of the high population density, shopping districts are filled of a lot of small stores. Consumers only notice the stores which are special or with unique flavors. Because of the limit of money and ability, the stores which are newly opened, commonplace or with bad locations can only promote their store by traditional method, for example, distributing the flyers, word of mouth, or promoting on the social network, but the effect of these methods is still limited because of the density of the shopping district. To solve this problem, this paper proposes an advertising system for shopping district. We encourage business cooperate with each other through a bonus mechanism. They can earn Contribution Point by helping others. Also, business can create ad image with QR Code by our system, they can post these ad images in their own store or send them to customers by WiFi, which is provided by our system. In our system, businesses can chose advertising method according to their model of management, further more, their ads can achieve O2O. Through the method we proposed, business can achieve better ad performance in low cost.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070156510
Appears in Collections:Thesis