Title: 運用混合式多準則決策模型改善能力集合績效落差
A Hybrid Multiple Criteria Decision Making Model for Improving Competence Sets Performance Gap
Authors: 黃冠維
Huang, Kuan-Wei
Huang, Jen-Hung
Tzeng, Gwo-Hshiung
Keywords: 職能模型;多準則決策分析模型;影響網路關係圖;可變空間規劃;能力集合;修正式 VIKOR;以決策制定實驗及評估為基礎之網路分析法;Competency model;Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM);influential network (INRM);changeable spaces programming;competence sets;modified VIKOR;Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL);DEMATEL-based ANP;DEMATEL-based ANP (DANP)
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 公司的核心競爭力取決於其人力資源政策,如何搭配公司之競爭優勢策略,以配置 調整員工的能力發展邁向「渴望水準」之達成呢?因此,公司開始可以引進員工「職能模型」來當作公司競爭優勢策略的預測工具,以確定員工能力是否適合配置於公司特定的工作內容。另外,職能模型亦可識別各項職能,並由此制定公司內部或外部的教育培訓政策,以協助員工來自不同的部門與職位,加強與補足員工個人能力的不足,以提升員工的工作效能。因此,公司必須以策略為導向導入職能模型以反映員工能力集合的擴張,方能符合「適才適用」的道理,持續改善與永續發展以達「渴望水準」的目標。職能模型是在測量或評估人的能力集合在某些領域的表現,並根據這些評估所提供的反饋得出其績效與何者尚需改善之處。目前,職能模型的缺失在於無法得知個人能力集合中哪一種能力是為最核心的能力進行量測與改善,而一旦進行改善該能力則可牽動影響其他關聯能力進而達到整體績效改善的效益。因此,本研究內容為構建一個混合決策模型包含以決策制定實驗及評估為基礎之網路分析法以及建構相互影響網路來理解能力集合交互影響關係,然後運用修正式 VIKOR 進行績效評估,幫助決策者如何透過改善能力集合來影響個人之績;之後,考慮到現實中資源(預算)之限制,既要使得整體績效達到「渴望水準」,亦須使得其「成本最小化」,使得本研究在規劃面中面臨成本與績效之間平衡的問題(Trade-off)。因此,本研究亦提出可變空間規劃,在限制預算之下重新分配改善資源來進而再擴張個人能力集合以實現個案團隊整體的績效成長,邁向「渴望水準」之達成。本研究所提出之多準則決策模型整合多屬性決策與多目標決策方法,預期透過本「職能模型」的建構幫助決策者適時反映員工能力隨時間的增長,進而減輕時下的學用落差與提升公司人力智財資本資源以獲取「持續改善與永續發展」之最佳系統性分配的效果,以實現「渴望水準」的達成。
A company’s core competitiveness depends on the strategic allocation of its human resources in alignment with employee capabilities. Competency models can identify the range of capabilities at a company’s disposal. This information can be used to develop internal or external education training policies for sustainable development achieving the aspiration level. Such models can ensure the importation of a strategic orientation that reflects the growth of its employee competence set and enhances human resources sustainably. This approach ensures that the most appropriate employee is assigned to the most appropriate positions. In this study, we proposed a new hybrid multiple attributed decision-making model by using the Decision- Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory Technique (DEMATEL) to construct an Influential Network Relation Map (INRM). Further, we determined the influential weights by using the basic concept of the Analytic Network Process (ANP) through a method (called DEMATEL-based ANP, DANP); the influential weights were then adopted with a modified Vise Kriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) method. A simple forecasting technique as an iteration function was also proposed. Considering that a trade-off exists between the maximum performance and minimum cost in sustainable development, we proposed a new idea of multi-objective programming with changeable spaces (decision space and objective space) called changeable spaces programming. The reallocation of limited resources in redesigning the decision space can be considered to improve the multi-objective of competence set performance for achieving the aspiration level. We expect that the proposed model can facilitate timely revisions, reflect the growth of mployee competence sets, reduce the mperformance gap towards reaching the aspiration level, and ensure the sustainability of a company.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079831802
Appears in Collections:Thesis