Title: 太陽能晶片廠製程異味改善研究
A study on improving odor problem in a solar cell factory
Authors: 孫至遠
Keywords: 異味;排氣控制;室內空氣污染;空氣污染控制;odor;ventilation control;indoor air pollution;engineering control
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本研究主要針對於某太陽能晶片廠於製程過程中所散發的異味進行實驗及改善。實驗進行前的採樣分析結果得知,乙醛及異丙醇分析濃度相較於其他揮發性有機物為高,所以針對此類原物料在相關製程流程使用狀況進行觀察、量測及實驗。 依據實驗目的,本研究使用光游離偵測器(PID ,Photo Ionization Detector)進行網印區及快速燒結爐區域進行環境量測,風速計量測排氣風管風量,並進行問卷調查,藉此建立基線資料。風速計量測風量結果皆符合原設計風量。PID量測結果顯示網印機機台為0 ppm,網印機區域環境為0 ppm,快速燒結爐機台為1.5 ppm,快速燒結爐機台區域環境為5 ppm。問卷調查結果一致顯示快速燒結爐機台區域有明顯異味。 依據本研究量測及問卷的結果,懷疑異味是由快速燒結爐機台逸散所造成,因此本研究設計了三種方式進行改善實驗,分別為(1)將排氣風管向下延伸至機台排氣口,(2)在快速燒結爐區架設PVC Curtain加環境排氣,(3)排氣風管改為密閉式。研究結果顯示,排氣風管改為密閉式的成效最佳,由最初量測數據5 ppm下降為0.5 ppm,問卷結果也由強臭氣下降為可感知之濃度。
The purpose of this study is to investigate how to resolve the odor generated from solar cell manufacturing process. From the air sampling analysis result, it was known beforehand that the concentrations of Acetaldehyde and Isopropyl Alcohol are among the highest of all volatile organic compounds utilized in the factory. Based on this finding we observed, measured and designed experiments on how they were used in the manufacturing flow and how the odor was released. Firstly, the environmental airborne Volatile Organic Compound was measured using a Photo Ionization Detector (PID) at the printing area and at the Fast Firing Furnace area. Next, we measured air flow in the exhaust duct with a wind speed anemometer. Finally a survey was carried out in the factory to try to locate odor source. The wind speed anemometer measurement matched well with the specification of the original exhaust duct design. The PID detected 0 ppm of airborne VOC concentration inside the printing station and the surrounding area, 1.5 ppm at the Fast Firing Furnace and 5 ppm in the surrounding area. This measurement result consists with what the survey reported of strong odor found near the Fast Firing Furnace area. We concluded this is where the odor was released. The following experiments were designed in order to resolve the odor releasing issue at Fast Firing Furnace including (1) Extend the opened exhaust duct to the platform exhaust outlet. (2) Set up a PVC curtain to enable environment exhaust. (3) Replace the opened exhaust duct by a closed exhaust system. The experiment results showed that "(3) closed exhaust system" is the most effective method for which the airborne VOC concentrations were reduced from 5 ppm to 0.5 ppm. A follow-up survey also confirmed that the odor smell was reduced to a detectable level.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079866524
Appears in Collections:Thesis