標題: 英語為外語的大學生聽力策略之研究:以選擇題、摘要及意見題型為例
The investigation of EFL college students’ strategy uses in multiple choice questions, summary, and opinion listening tests
作者: 蔡馨慧
Tsai, Shin-Huei
Yang, Fang-Ying
關鍵字: 聽力策略;聽力測驗;開放式聽力測驗;封閉式聽力測驗;Listening Comprehension Strategy;Listening Test;Open-ended Listening Assessment;Closed-ended Listening Assessment
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 近年來,聽力逐漸在語言學習上佔有一席之地。許多研究者開始探討哪些學習策略可以增強學習者的聽力能力。儘管聽力策略研究日趨增多,只有少數研究談討聽力策略及聽力題型的關係。即使有這方面的研究也幾乎是封閉式題型,像是選擇題及是非題,鮮少有研究同時針對封閉式題型及開放式題型來做探討。因此,本研究旨在研究不同聽力題型對以英語為外語的大學生聽力策略選擇,及受試者對不同聽力測驗類型的認知。本研究對象為40名台灣北部大學生及研究生。研究工具包括多益聽力測驗、聽力策略問卷以及各聽力題型測驗。題型涵蓋選擇題、摘要、敘說個人意見。受試者在聽完CNN新聞後,會分別做上述這三種題型,填完聽力策略問卷並接受訪問。 研究結果發現:第一、全體受試者在敘說個人意見題型中所使用的認知策略比在選擇題中使用的還多。高程度受試者在摘要題中所使用的全部聽力策略比在選擇題中使用的還多。中程度受試者在敘說個人意見題型中所使用的全部聽力策略比在選擇題中使用的還多。中程度受試者在敘說個人意見題型中所使用的認知策略比在選擇題中使用的還多。最後,低程度受試者在三個題型中所使用的聽力題型皆無顯著差異。第二、高中低程度受試者在三個題型中皆最頻繁地使用後設認知策略。其中advanced organization和comprehension monitoring更是所有學習者在三個題型中都有使用到的後設認知策略。第三、越高程度的學習者越能夠在不同題型之間有意識地知道該選擇什麼聽力策略。反之,越低程度的學習者較沒有辦法察覺題型間的差別,進而改變聽力策略的選擇。最後,受試者普遍認為做摘要這題型最能夠幫助長遠的聽力能力提升。 總結而言,學習者的程度對於其聽力策略的選擇有很大的影響。在教學上,老師可以使用融合封閉式及開放式的聽力測驗,以利學生接觸及訓練更多元的策略使用。在研究上,更多的研究可以探索開放性聽力題型,以便設計出更能幫助學習者的聽力測驗。
Listening has gradually gained its importance in the field of language learning. Plenty of researchers thus start to investigate what kind of listening strategies will enhance learners’ listening abilities. However, the relationship between listening test types and learners’ strategy uses is still under development. Most of the previous research investigated learners’ listening strategy uses in closed-ended test types, such as multiple choice questions and true or false questions. Few studies examined learners’ strategy uses in open-ended test questions. Therefore, the present study aimed at exploring first whether learners use different listening strategies when they answer open-ended and closed-ended questions as revealed through both questionnaire and semi-structured interview. Second, the research investigated learners’ perceptions toward test types. Forty EFL college and graduate students in northern Taiwan participated in the study. The instruments included a TOEIC test, a listening strategy questionnaire, and three types of listening tests, including multiple choice questions, summary, and opinion. After participants listened to CNN student news, they responded to the above three test types, completed the listening strategy questionnaires, and then finally received semi-structured interviews. The results showed that overall learners used more cognitive strategies in the opinion test than in multiple choice questions. More specifically, high-level learners used more strategies in summary test than in multiple choice questions. Middle-level learners used more strategies in opinion test than in multiple choice questions. Middle-level learners also used more cognitive strategies in opinion test than in multiple choice questions. As for low-level learners, there were not significant differences in their strategy uses among three test types. Secondly, metacognitive strategies were used the most frequently across all level of learners in three test types. Among seven metacognitive strategies, advanced organization and comprehension monitoring were used the most by learners. Third, the more advanced learners could consciously change the strategy choices according to different test types while the less advanced learners were less likely to be aware of the test type differences and chose listening strategies accordingly. Finally, learners reported that they regarded making summary was the test type that could assist their listening in a long run. In conclusion, learners’ proficiency levels have greatly influenced on their listening strategy choices. In terms of teaching, teachers can both adopt closed-ended and open-ended listening assessments to enable students have access to different kinds of listening strategies. As for research, more studies can be done to explore open-ended listening materials in order to design listening assessments that can enhance learners’ listening competence.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070159810
Appears in Collections:Thesis