Title: 基於Max/MSP之穿戴式互動音樂設計與研究 以Musfit設計為例
Research and Design of Wearable Interactive Music System Based on Max/MSP As Exemplified by Musfit
Authors: 李柏霆
Li, Bo-Ting
Tseng, Yu-Chung
Keywords: 穿戴式裝置;互動設計;Max/MSP;聲訊處理;Wearable device;Interactive design;Max/MSP;Sound processing
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本研究設計一穿戴式互動音樂系統,期望拓展穿戴式裝置於音樂表演上的應用範疇。以物件導向程式Max/MSP做為開發環境,建立系統操作架構、使用者介面與聲音對應設計。
The study is to design a wearable interactive music system, expecting to expand the scope of application of wearable devices for music performance. Object-oriented program Max/MSP was used as a development environment to build up system operation structure, user’s interface, and sound mapping design.
The explanation of study framework of each chapter is as below: Chapter One: general background information, briefly introducing the wearable device function and development; Chapter Two: literature review, collecting information on recent works of wearable interactive music performances; Chapter Three: system design, illustrating system structure and signal process; Chapter Four: system implementation, illustrating operating system and user’s operating interface design: Chapter Five: Opinion Poll, proceeding questionnaire assessment on music technology related background users; Chapter Six: conclusion, displaying the outcome and bringing up the improved direction in future.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070351912
Appears in Collections:Thesis