標題: 行動學習應用程式在自主學習中對英語聽力及字彙能力之成效
The Effectiveness of a Mobile Learning Application on English Listening Proficiency and Vocabulary Knowledge in Autonomous Learning
作者: 蔡宛倫
Tsai, Wan-Lun
Sun, Yu-Chih
關鍵字: 行動科技輔助語言學習;聽力;字彙;學習自主;VoiceTube;Mobile Assisted Language Learning;Listening Proficiency;Vocabulary Knowledge;Learner Autonomy;VoiceTube
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 現今,行動科技輔助語言學習(mobile assisted language learning)突破空間與時間之限制,將學習機會延伸至傳統課室外,安裝上行動學習應用程式(application)的行動裝置使得英語學習無所不在。然而,如何在非正式學習(informal learning)情境下,促進自主且長期持續的行動科技輔助語言學習仍然值得深入探討。另外,過去研究顯示行動科技輔助語言學習中的機動性(mobility)亦值得關注。 因此,本研究探討英語學習者在課室外,以可攜式行動裝置使用行動學習應用程式— VoiceTube的學習情況,並依據五個面向深入研究:(1)提升聽力能力之效能(2)提升字彙能力之效能(3)學習者對行動科技輔助語言學習之觀感(4)學習自主性(5)學習過程。 三十位台灣籍以英語為外語學習者從國立交通大學招募並參與進行本研究,行動科技輔助語言學習實驗長達12週,本研究採用混合方法蒐集質化及量化資料,並以描述性統計及主題分析法來分析前後測(聽力測驗、改編版字彙知識量表)、研究受試者進行行動科技輔助語言學習期間所記錄之學習日誌、VoiceTube系統上之學習紀錄、三份於實驗後填答之問卷(觀感、學習自主性、學習過程)以及半結構式訪談所得之研究結果。 研究結果顯示在12週的行動科技輔助語言學習實驗後,受試者之聽力及字彙能力皆有顯著提升。受試者對於行動科技輔助語言學習之觀感(易用性、效用性、幫助性、滿意度)普遍為正向,此教育應用程式提供學習者個人化學習,並且有助於英語聽力及字彙學習;然而,在行動裝置上之網際網路連線、螢幕小、學習系統不穩定等負面觀感亦被發現。此外,受試者在監督及評估自己的學習方面上顯現更高程度的學習自主性。鑒於學習大多侷限在安靜的環境以及仰賴Wi-Fi,行動科技輔助語言學習中的機動性並沒有在本研究中全然彰顯。研究結果亦顯示查詢字彙及複習影片的頻率和兩個測驗的成績進步有正相關關係。
Nowadays, mobile assisted language learning (MALL) has extended learning opportunities beyond the traditional classroom without the constraints of time and space. Mobile devices installed with mobile learning applications enable English learning to be ubiquitous. However, how to promote autonomous and persistent MALL in informal learning settings still needs to be further explored. Previous research also indicates that mobility in MALL should be focused on. Therefore, the present study investigated English learners’ use of a mobile learning application, VoiceTube, with their portable mobile devices outside of class in terms of the five aspects: (1) the effectiveness of enhancing listening proficiency, (2) the effectiveness of enhancing vocabulary knowledge, (3) learners’ perceptions of MALL, (4) learner autonomy, and (5) the learning process. Thirty Taiwanese English as a foreign language (EFL) learners were recruited from National Chiao Tung University to conduct the research. The MALL treatment lasted for 12 weeks. The present study adopted a mixed method by collecting qualitative and quantitative data. The results of pretests, posttests (listening tests and the adapted Vocabulary Knowledge Scale), learning journals kept by the participants during MALL, learning logs on the VoiceTube system, three post-treatment surveys (perception, learner autonomy, and learning process), and semi-structured interviews were analyzed with descriptive statistics and thematic analysis. The results of the study show that the participants’ listening proficiency and vocabulary knowledge were significantly enhanced after the 12-week MALL treatment. The participants’ perceptions towards MALL concerning the issues of usability, effectiveness, helpfulness, and satisfaction were generally positive. The educational app provided learners with personalized learning and was conducive to English listening and vocabulary learning. Yet some negative perceptions regarding Internet access, small screen size, and the unstable learning system on mobile devices were also discovered. Furthermore, the participants demonstrated a higher degree of learner autonomy in monitoring and evaluating their learning. Since the learning was mostly confined to quiet environments and relied on Wi-Fi, mobility in MALL was not fully manifested in the current research. The findings also indicate that the frequency of looking up vocabulary and reviewing videos were positively correlated with gain scores in both tests.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070259809