標題: 基於平板之工業機械手臂 互動式擴增實境介面開發
Interactive Interface with Augmented Reality for Industrial Robot Manipulators Based on Tablet
作者: 劉德智
Liu, Te-Chih
Young, Kuu-Young
關鍵字: 機械手臂;平板;人機介面;擴增實境;Manipulators;Tablet;Human-machine Interface;Augmented Reality
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 隨著機器產業的發展,越來越多的工廠引進機械手臂,進行工廠自動化生產,但隨著任務逐漸複雜,直覺化的操作模式是操控介面發展中主要的方向。以目前的機械手臂的任務教導,大多都以傳統式的教導盒或是電腦操作進行設定,但以此方式需要花較長的時間進行操作及設定,為了要使任務教導效率提高,發展新的操作介面及方法是未來值得研究的方向。本論文提出了以使用Android平台之平板電腦來操作工業用機械手臂,並導入了擴增實境技術做為操作機械手臂的控制介面,除了提供基本的操作外,我們也改良原先的卡式操作模式,並研發出新的視覺牽引式模式,此外透過實驗進行傳統與本研究開發操控介面的比較,驗證本研究所開發系統能有效減少操作時間、提高任務效率並輔助使用者完成任務。
Along with the development in robot technologies, more robots have been introduced to executed automated production. However, current tasks become much more complicated. Intuitive manipulation, this becomes a major direction for interface design. The teaching pendent and computer are used for task planning in current industries, but they take much time during manipulation. If this motivates the development of new types of interfaces. The proposed interface is based on Android platform and implemented on a tablet PC with import augmented reality technology employed. In addition to providing basic functions for manipulation, this interface also include a new visual lead-through module. Experiments are performed based on using the proposed system and also other conventional interfaces for comparison. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070360004