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dc.contributor.authorChou, Ying-Chien_US
dc.contributor.authorHuang, Shih-Pingen_US
dc.description.abstract自IBM在1956年發明第一台硬碟機問世以來,硬碟機 (Hard Disk Drive, HDD)發展已超過了50年的歷史,更在1980年代,因個人電腦(PC)的普及化,硬碟機的進展在容量與效能上突飛猛進,硬碟機在電腦資訊發展史上,扮演著重要的角色,也在數位化的時代,有不可或缺的貢獻。 然隨著技術發展的瓶頸,近五年硬碟的發展有趨緩的現象,同時,以快閃記憶體(Flash memory) 為基礎的固態硬碟(Solid State Disk, SSD)在近年來異軍突起,直接威脅到了傳統硬碟的市場。在近二十年市場及技術的競爭淘汰下,藉由整合、併購,技術轉移,如今全球主要硬碟機製造商只剩下三家(Seagate, Western Digital Corporation (WDC), Toshiba)。另一方面,固態硬碟因有晶片廠及快閃記憶體廠商的投入,市場及技術規模大幅成長,近十年起陸續應用在消費性電子產品,尤其搭配移動式裝置,如手機、平板電腦及筆記型電腦,更直接取代了傳統硬碟的使用,瓜分了硬碟應用的市場。 面對如此劇烈的競爭下,硬碟製造商如何在儲存式產業中仍保有一席之地,不被固態硬碟所取代,甚至還能佔有一定的市場,以維持硬碟產業的發展。本研究以西方數位公司(Western Digital Corporation)為例,以Michael Porter五力分析,探討硬碟產業如何在儲存裝置產業中發展及生存。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractHard Disk Drive (HDD) has been developed more than 50 years since the first HDD invented by IBM in 1956. With the growth and popularity of Personal Computer (PC), there was also great progress on HDD in the way of capacity and efficiency. HDD plays an important role on information technology history and also contributes a lot for digital ages. However, with the bottleneck of HDD technology, there is a slow down trend of HDD development. Meanwhile, Solid State Drive (SSD), which is NAND Flash memory base storage device, has a rapid progress. With the great advance development of SSD, it threatens HDD application and market share directly. During past 40 years was the glory time of HDD development and growth, there were more than two hundred companies involved in HDD industry, however during recent decades, through competition, merge, acquisition and phase out, there were only few companies can survive. By 2010, there were still five players in HDD market. But in 2011, after Seagate acquired Samsung HDD business and Western Digital Corporation (WDC) acquired Hitachi Global Storage Technology (HGST) HDD business at the same year, there are only three main HDD manufacturers left which are Seagate, Western Digital Corporation and Toshiba. These three companies dominate HDD market and more than 80% market is shared by Seagate and WDC. On the other hand, due to devotion and contribution by controller IC chip design houses and flash memory manufacturers, the market and technology have grown up rapidly. In recent 10 years, SSD has applied to consumer electronics, especially on portable devices, such as hand phone, template, notebook (NB), that replaces HDD directly and share some market. Facing such tremendous competitive conditions, how HDD manufacturers can survive and stay in their position in the market, also not to be replaced by SSD. A case study of WDC will reveal how HDD manufacturer compete with SSD industry by analysis of Michael Porter's Five Forces Model.en_US
dc.subjectWestern Digitalen_US
dc.subjectHard Disk Driveen_US
dc.subjectSolid State Disken_US
dc.titleThe Opportunity and Challenge of HDD Industry under Impact of SSD - A case study of Western Digital Corporationen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis