標題: 改良式行動端傳輸控制協議
Enhanced TCP-Mobile Edge
作者: 邱聖倫
Chiu, Shen-Lun
Lee, Tsern-Huei
關鍵字: 傳輸控制協議;主動式壅塞通知;流量調節器;封包間間隔;TCP;ECN;traffic conditioner;inter-packet interval
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 近幾年來,愈來愈多的人使用行動手機來執行網路瀏覽等功能。由於考量到行動核心網路的閘道器上的服務品質保證機制,因此行動端傳輸控制協議(TCP-Mobile Edge)被提出來降低資料傳輸的時間並達到使用者的使用期待。然而,再行動端傳輸控制協議中對於傳送端接收的回覆封包上有些決策流程上的缺點。在這篇論文中,我們簡單的新增了一個變數並且修改了其決策流程來改善流量的表現。對比於行動端傳輸控制協議,改良式行動端傳述控制協議(Enhanced TCP-Mobile Edge)使得封包間間隔更不會被已擁塞的路由器所加速而導致傳送端進行傳送參數控制上的誤判。除此之外,根據我們的模擬分析可看出我們的修改在傳輸較小資料時(例如:瀏覽網頁、下載小型的手機應用程式…等)會有較明顯的改善。
In recent years, more and more people use the mobile phone to access the Internet applications. Considering the QoS mechanisms at the gateway of the mobile core network, TCP-Mobile Edge was suggested to reduce the service delivery latency and enhance the user expectations. However, TCP-Mobile Edge has some drawbacks of its flowchart of reaction to acknowledges received at sender. In this thesis, we add a variable and modify the flowchart simply to enhance the performance of throughput. Contrast to TCP-ME, Enhanced TCP-ME make the inter-packet interval is more likely not shortened by the congested router and the sender make more correct decision in sending mechanism. Moreover, according to our analysis, the improvement seems more effective while transmitting smaller files like web browsing, downloading small applications, etc.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070360250