Title: 探討遺傳概念相關溯因推理認知歷程之腦波動態與眼動模式
Explore the Brain Dynamics and Eye Movement Patterns during the Cognitive Process of Abductive Reasoning Regarding Genetics
Authors: 黃莉郁
Huang, Li-Yu
Keywords: 眼動;溯因推理;腦波;凝視點腦波;abductive reasoning;EEG;eye fixated EEG;eye movement
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本研究探討不同先備知識程度學生進行不同複雜程度遺傳概念相關溯因推理任務之注意力分配與腦波變化情形,研究對象為新竹地區主修生物相關科系之57名大學或研究所學生,所有學生均接受概念前測、正式施測與施測後訪談。
結果顯示遺傳概念相關溯因推理任務複雜程度愈高,先備知識程度影響愈大,且學生呈現之總凝視時間及平均凝視時間均愈高,顯示其認知負荷較高。在腦波變化上,低先備知識程度學生在前腦呈現前扣帶回及左側額葉較強的θ波活化與右側額葉較強的low β波抑制,高先備知識程度學生在枕葉呈現較強的α及low β波抑制,顯示高先備知識程度學生較著力於提取長期記憶中的先備知識及訊息傳遞,而低先備知識程度學生對尋求問題解決策略之認知負荷較高。
不同的溯因推理認知歷程之腦波變化上,在識別模式以形成假設階段,應用先備知識中的通則識別任務的族譜圖模式的學生,其反應時間較短,且枕葉與頂葉第1個凝視點呈現較強的θ波活化,ACC亦較早呈現θ波活化;在求證階段,呈現ACC θ波活化,但頂葉與枕葉之α波抑制;在再確認階段,則可見ACC θ波強度由強減弱,而頂葉與枕葉θ波強度由弱增強。
The aims of this study were to explore whether students’ prior knowledge would impact on their cognitive process, EEG dynamics and eye movement patterns during the four abductive reasoning tasks involving genetics. A total of 57 biology major undergraduate students from Hsinchu City were recruited to participate in this study. All students received pre-test, four abductive reasoning tasks, and post-interview. Their EEG and eye movement behaviors were also collected during they are performing the four different levels of abductive reasoning tasks.
Results showed that the prior knowledge levels had significant effect on predicting their performance of the four abductive reasoning tasks. For the eye movement behaviors which indicated that the mean fixation duration become the most predicted factor to predict students’ likelihood of responding the abductive reasoning tasks. The EEG data showed that low prior knowledge students exerted more theta augmentation than to the high prior knowledge students in both the anterior cingulate (ACC) and left frontal areas and greater low beta suppression in the right frontal area, while high prior knowledge students exerted greater alpha and low beta suppression than low prior knowledge students in the occipital area. The results suggested that high prior knowledge students invested more efforts in retrieving and processing relevant information; however, low prior knowledge students seemed to allocate more efforts to search information to solve problems.
Combining the results of EEG dynamics and cognitive process during the abductive reasoning revealed that students applied the generalized rules to identify the patterns of the pedigrees in the tasks required less reponding time and exerted more theta augmentation during the first eye fixation point in the parietal and occipital areas and earlier theta augmentation in the ACC area in the stage of identifying patterns and forming hypotheses. In the stage of seeking evidence, all students exerted theta augmentation in the ACC area and alpha suppression in both the parietal and occipital areas. In the stage of reconfirmation, theta power first increased then decreased in the ACC area but first decreased then increased in both the parietal and occipital areas.
The logistic regression results of the eye fixated EEG had very pronounced power for estimating the likelihood of responding the genetics related abductive reasoning tasks correctly, particularly it would observe greater theta augmentation during the 5th fixation point in the ACC area and during the 1st fixation point in the right parietal and right occipital areas, greater alpha augmentation during the 1st fixation point in the left and right parietal areas, and greater alpha suppression during the 1st fixation point in the ACC area, during the 2nd and/or the 3rd fixation points in the parietal and occipital areas.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079848803
Appears in Collections:Thesis