Title: 考量企業存續機率最大化之商品交易決策
A Commodity Trading Policy to Maximize the Survival Probability
Authors: 紀秉均
Chi, Ping Chun
Chen, Wen-Chih
Keywords: 商品交易;動態規劃;存續機率;Commodity trading;stochastic dynamic programming;survival probability
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本研究探討一個特殊的商品交易情境,在未來下游市場價格變動且不確定的情況下,經營者每期需以固定價格向上游採購固定數量,並依照當期的市場價格決定售出的數量以從中獲利。這個情境可以在不同的實務應用之中發現,一般是為了幫助社經較弱勢的供應鏈上游,例如農會產銷班會向農民以保價收購的方式採購農作物,再轉賣給下游。針對此情境我們建構一動態規劃(dynamic programming)最佳化模型,以提供最佳交易決策,但因為這種情境多出現在非營利組織,交易獲利的目的是要維持保價收購的機制,是要維護組織營運的永續,所以我們探討如何使經營存續機率(survival probability)最大化,而非傳統文獻中的利潤最大化。我們的模型除能提供短期的最佳交易決策,也能作為投入資金與營運產能設定等中長期決策的參考。
This paper determines an optimal trading strategy for a decision maker that needs to purchase a commodity from the upstream in a fixed quantity and price at each period, and resell to the downstream at a high market price. This trading problem is typically found in the non-profit organizations to support the poors in the industry upstream, and thus the objective is to survive, not the profits or business growth. We model this problem as a stochastic dynamic programming problem to maximize the survival probability; optimal strategy is determined and managerial insights are also discussed.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353335
Appears in Collections:Thesis