标题: 基于RGB-D影像资讯之即时指写法数字辨识系统设计
Real-Time Finger Writing Digit Recognition System Design Based on RGB-D Image Information
作者: 邱梦姿
Chiu, Meng-Tzu
Chen, Yon-Ping
关键字: 纸写法数字;手势辨识;动态时间校正;finger writing digits;gesture recognition;dynamic time warping
公开日期: 2015
摘要: 指写法辨识可提供使用者自然、直觉的人机互动方式,因此近年来被广泛应用于各种领域中,如电子游戏、远距遥控等。本论文提出一个以色彩深度影像为基础的指写法数字辨识系统,分为手掌与指尖位置侦测、特征撷取及指写法数字辨识三个部分。首先利用肤色侦测配合联通物件法与距离转换法,分别找出手掌与指尖位置;接着追踪指尖书写数字之动态轨迹,先撷取轨迹移动方向作为数字辨识用之特征,其中因为0与6无法经由移动方向特征予以辨识,所以再提出轨迹起始点、终止点与垂直方向移动距离三种特征,以提高辨识率。最后,利用串接式最邻近法进行指写法数字辨识。从实验结果可知,本论文所提之即时指写法数字辨识系统确实具有成效,可达九成五以上之辨识率。
The finger writing recognition approach has been introduced to a diversity of fields, like video games and remote control systems, because it provides a natural and intuitive communication for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). This thesis proposes a real-time finger writing digit recognition system with high accuracy rate based on the RGB-D information. The system is divided into three main parts, including ROI selection, feature extraction, and finger writing digit recognition. For the ROI selection, first detect the skin color regions, then determine the palm and the fingertips based on the connect component labeling (CCL) and the distance transform respectively. Further, track the fingertip to create the trajectory and extract its directional features for digit recognition. However, since it is often confused in recognizing 0 and 6, three extra features are added to increase their recognition rate. Finally, with series k-NN classifiers, the experimental results show that the accuracy rate is higher than 95% in finger writing digit recognition, which implies the proposed real-time recognition system is indeed effective and efficient.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070260057