DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChia, Kai-Zhenen_US
dc.contributor.authorCheng, Li-Pingen_US
dc.contributor.authorTsai, Bi-Huaien_US
dc.description.abstract電子商務資訊架構經過二十多年市場、制度、技術的改革與創新,從傳統的階層式資訊架構平台,轉變為雲端與大數據的平台,交易方式由電子資料交換技術(EDI)轉變為可接受各種行動載具的複雜支付模式,第三方支付服務的興起,提供買、賣的履約保證和跨境支付,減少網路買賣受騙的風險與跨國交易的問題,非金融機構的電子商務業者,如eBay和阿里巴巴,開發支付交易平台,取代EDI了並顛覆了傳統的電子商務的資訊架構,電子商務資訊架構策略的第一次破壞式創新為「第三方支付服務與流程平台」。 智慧行動載具價格的平民化以及應用程式的多元化,吸引越來越多的消費者使用智慧行動載具上網逛街、擷取流行情報等,而帶動消費者用智慧行動載具上網購物的人潮,漸漸地改變消費者購物習慣與生活模式,不受時空背景的條件下,非金融業者與非金融業者利用科技技術,將電子商務轉成行動化、網路支付工具亦不斷地創新,推出各種行動支付工具,如QRCode、NFC、藍芽、非接觸式的SIM卡等,完全顛覆傳統在網際網路下交易以及實體商務架構下支付的模式,故「行動商務和各種行動支付平台」,成為第二次破壞式創新的產物。 本論文以承立平博士(2009)的M-I-T理論,分析電子商務資訊架構平台的發展策略,主要結論為(1)M-市場、制度、科技發展盛衰,影響電子商務和未來科技金融資訊架構平台的策略(2)I-制度在電子商務資訊架構平台發展擔任與M-市場和T-科技之間制衡的角色(3)T-科技的技術創新發展與M-市場的成長互相牽動,兩者之間的關係相輔相成。本研究之主要貢獻在於電子商務資訊架構平台的探討與未來應用為雲端、大數據、區塊鏈之整合。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAfter twenty years of market, instruction and technology reform and innovation, the electronic commerce IT structure has been transformed from traditional hierarchical information platforms into the cloud and big data platforms. Electronic data interchange (EDI) transaction technology has gradually replaced by online transaction services that are developed by non-financial e-commerce parties such as eBay and Alibaba. These third parties not only provide the performance bonds of purchasing and selling, but also reduce the risks of cross-border payments and online fraud. This new payment service subverts and replace the traditional e-commerce information structure, which we so call it as “the first disruptive innovation.” Moreover, competitive price and diversified mobile applications attract more and more users in the markets. They are now using these mobile devices to do shopping and obtain fashion information online. In other words, using mobile devices to complete and satisfy the daily requirements are actually gradually changing people’s shopping behavior and lifestyle. Traditional e-commerce has been mobilized and innovated constantly by variety of mobile payment tools such as QRCode, NFC, Bluetooth, non-contact SIM card payment, etc.. These tools completely subvert the payment of traditional e-commerce trading and in-store shopping. Hence, mobile applications and mobile payment tools are the second disruptive innovation of the traditional e-commerce IT structure. Accorded to Dr. Li Ping Cheng’s M-I-T theory in 2009. It analyzes the development and strategy of e-commerce information structure. Three majorities are conclused to the e-Commerce IT structure and Market-Instructrion-Technology. Firstly, the development of M-arket, instruction and technology affects the strategy of e-commerce and the financial platforms. Second, the development of I-nstruction is counterbalanced to Market and Technnology in between electronic commerce information structure. Third, the growths of T-chnology innovation and market development are influenced and complemented each other. The contribution of this thesis is addressing the structure of e-commerce information system, which cloud computing, big data, blockchain, and mobile applications will be the trend of future e-commerce IT structure.en_US
dc.subjectThird-Party Paymenten_US
dc.subjectE-Commerce Information Structureen_US
dc.subjectM-I-T Theoryen_US
dc.subjectDisruptive Innovationen_US
dc.titleStrategic Analysis of e-Commerce IT Structure Platformsen_US