Title: 庫藏股買回與股價淨值比對企業股價影響之研究
A Study on the Relationship between Price-Book Ratio and Stock Repurchase Announcement Effects for Taiwan Listed Companies
Authors: 陳育良
Chen, Yu-Liang
Wang, Sue-Fung
Keywords: 庫藏股;股價淨值比;符號檢定;Treasury Stock;Price-Book Ratio;sign test
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本研究以2009年至2014年台灣上市公司宣告買回庫藏股資料為研究對象,探討企業股價淨值比高低與庫藏股宣告效應之間關聯性,並以無母數統計符號檢定予以驗證。實證結果顯示不論企業股價淨值比高低,台灣股票市場對於公司宣告買回庫藏股之反應皆為正面評價,而對於穩定公司短期股價表現也確實存在顯著效果。其中,又以公司特質為「股價淨值比小於1」、「股本規模與資產規模較大者」,以及「買回庫藏股實際執行率高者」,其穩定股價效果較顯著。
This study examines the correlation between treasury stock announcement effects and Price-Book Ratio in Taiwan Listed Companies. The sampling period is from 2009 to 2014 with a hundred and fifteen companies are involved.
Using the sign test for empirical study, the empirical results show that:
(i) There is positive market response and price effect after treasury stock announcement
(ii) There is no significant correlation between treasury stock announcement effects and Price-Book Ratio in Taiwan Listed Companies
(iii) Announcement effect of treasury stock is significant positive among those companies with lower PBR, large-cap and higher implementation rate.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363910
Appears in Collections:Thesis