Title: 應用於軟性高頻無線微系統之Kapton基板高頻特性研究
High Frequency Characterization of Kapton Substrate for High Frequency Flexible Wireless Microsystem Application
Authors: 龔奕豪
Chung, Yu-Ting
Kuo, Chien-Nan
電子工程學系 電子研究所
Keywords: 軟性電子;微帶線;覆晶接合;Flexible Electronics;Flip Chip;Kapton Substrate
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本論文分兩個部分,第一部份為為應用於高頻無線微系統中的被動元件,在軟性基板Kapton上製作微帶線,整理模擬、製程、量測、以及討論的結果,並且加入De-Embedding的介紹,檢討實驗上模擬與量測上的誤差,以及製程上有可能造成的原因。第二部分則是介紹覆晶接合技術,包含無電鍍鎳金實驗以及金-金熱壓接合,在軟性基板上做結合,並作量測的整理,未來有關覆晶接合的封裝技術,亦可以運用在軟性基板上做更廣泛的運用。
In this thesis, there are two parts, the first part is to be applied to high-frequency wireless microsystems passive components , making microstrip line on a flexible substrate Kapton, including simulation, measurement,process , discussion, and added de-Embedding introduction, reviewing possible reasons for the error caused by the simulation and measurement on the manufacturing process as well as experimental. The second part is to introduce the flip-chip bonding technology , contains electroless plating experiments and Au-Au thermocompressive bonding on flexible substrate, including measurement results, and for the measurement of future packaging technology relating to the flip-chip bonding , can also used in the flexible substrate to make more extensive use.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070150162
Appears in Collections:Thesis