標題: 主纖毛裡的信號傳遞
Signal transduction in primary cilia
作者: 施閔祥
Shih, Ming-Siang
Chang, Cheng-Hung
關鍵字: 主纖毛;鈣離子;近似貝氏計算;primary cilia;calcium;approximate bayesian computation
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 主纖毛能偵測細胞外環境的化學、力學、與物理變化,是個有著獨特結構與功能的重要感測胞器。本論文想要了解主纖毛內的主要信號傳遞路徑與傳遞信號的鈣離子的濃度與分佈。前者需藉助貝氏分析中的ABC方法來了解網路中不同路徑的重要性,在後者我們使用神經科學裏推導Goldman–Hodgkin–Katz電位方程的概念,將它推廣來探討主纖毛裏的非平衡態電化學問題,對最近實驗觀察到的主纖毛內鈣離子濃度提出背後的可能原因。之後引入奈米電生理學,使用Poisson-Nernst-Plank方程計算出主纖毛柱狀體內的不均勻鈣離子分佈,呼應了最近發現的神經樹狀棘球體內的不均勻鈣離子分佈。
Primary cilium is capable of detecting the chemical, mechanical, and physical change in extracellular environments. It is an important sensory organelle of unique structure and functions in the cell. This thesis is devoted to understanding the main signaling pathway and the concentration and distribution of the signal transmitter, calcium ion, inside the primary cilium. In the former, the ABC method in the Bayesian analysis is used to reveal the importance of different pathways. In the latter, the concept in the Goldman–Hodgkin–Katz voltage equation for the equilibrium neuron problem has been expanded to explore the non-equilibrium electrochemical features in primary cilia. This provides an underlying reason for the recently experimentally observed calcium concentration in primary cilia. Finally, we introduce nano-physiology and Poisson-Nernst-Plank equation into this system. The calculated non-uniform calcium concentration in this cylindrical geometry is in accordance with the recently discovered non-uniform calcium concentration in the spherical geometry of dendritic spines in neurons
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070352734