標題: V頻段基板整合波導移相器與機械式開關器研究設計
Design of V-band Substrate Integrated Waveguide Phase Shifter and Mechanical Switch
作者: 魏士強
Wei, Shih-Chiang
Chang, Chi-Yang
關鍵字: V頻段;基板整合波導;移相器;開關器;V-band;Substrate Integrated Waveguide(SIW);Phase Shifter;Switch
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 本論文以基板整合波導設計V頻段機械式開關器以及V頻段移相器。使用板材微介電常數2.2的Rogers RT-Doroud 5880®,板材厚度為10mil,操作之中心頻率為60 GHz,並分別設計開關器以及移相器。開關器部分最終使用中心十字銅環之架構,並以銅片按壓來控制開關器之狀態,最終完成V頻段單刀單擲以及單刀雙擲之開關器,並擁有良好之隔離度,平均都有-50 dB以下。 而移相器的部分使用反射型移相器之架構,並以基板整合波導製作之正交混成器結合另外設計之反射臂,來設計90度、180度、90度可調三種移相器,最終將三種串聯起來,達成0度至360度均可實現。最後設計新的V頻段至矩形波導轉換器,此轉換器之優點為轉換器並不一定需要與矩形波導接觸,即可達到良好之轉換。並使用此轉換器量測上述之開關器以及移相器。
In this thesis, a V-band phase shifters and a V-band mechanical switches are proposed using the substrate integrated waveguide (SIW). The substrate integrated waveguide is manufactured on a Rogers RT-Duroid 5880® low loss substrate with a dielectric constant of 2.2 and a thickness of 10 mil. The single-pole-single-throw (SPST) and single-pole-double-throw (SPDT) switches are proposed with a center frequency of 60 GHz where the so-called cross centered copper ring structure are adopted. The on and off of the switches are mechanically controlled by a piece of conducting material to lift or contact the specified area of the switch. On the other hand, the proposed phase shifter cascades three different phase shifters which include a 90 degree digital phase shifter, a 180 degree digital phase shifter and a 90 degree tunable phase shifter. Finally, the proposed switches and the proposed phase shifter are measured by a network analyzer with the V-band (WR-15) waveguide extenders through the newly developed SIW to rectangular waveguide transition. The advantage of this newly developed transition is no electrical contact with the metal of the rectangular waveguide.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070360269