標題: 操弄受害情境 — 《控制》中的施虐/受虐情結
Toying with Victimhood— The Sadomasochism in Gone Girl
作者: 林銘慧
Chang, I-Chu
關鍵字: 控制;施虐;受虐;Gone Girl;sadism;masochism
公開日期: 2016
摘要:  在本篇論文中,我想透過精神分析的觀點,研究吉莉安.弗琳的小說《控制》一書中的施虐/受虐情結。我將以原生家庭對人的影響作為起點,追溯兩位主人翁愛咪和尼克的成長背景,並探討他們建立在施虐/受虐情結上的互動模式。在他們的關係中,愛咪操弄受害者形象,來報復尼克之不忠。而她在公眾心目中的個人形象幾經操弄,也成為利器,爲丈夫冠上莫須有的謀殺罪名。   本論文分作五章。第一章簡述這部小說的背景、我的研究動機,以及本文的理論。第二章則自父母親的童書系列《神奇的愛咪》為始,討論愛咪如何掙扎迎拒這由父母所塑造的理想形象;她的蓄意失蹤如何成功贏得社會的關注,也迫使尼克在大眾輿論譴責下苟延殘喘。第三章從尼克的童年受虐經驗出發,探索為人夫者,對於重蹈父親暴力行為模式的最深層恐懼,以及他為何甘願留在婚姻的牢籠中,與工於心計的妻子妥協共處。第四章則著眼於愛咪對自身受暴婦女形象的操縱,藉以博取前男友戴西和媒體的同情,而對尼克未審先判。在第五章,我試圖為尼克、愛咪、以及同是天涯淪落的人們探索更多可能性,以期從揮之不去的原生家庭創傷中解脫。
In this thesis I would like to investigate the sadomasochism in Gillian Flynn’s novel, Gone Girl, through the perspective of psychoanalysis. From how the families of origin influence people, I trace the backgrounds of both Amy and Nick, and probe into their sadomasochistic mode of interaction. In their relationship, Amy takes advantage of victimhood to revenge Nick’s infidelity. The manipulation of her personal image in public serves to be the most harmful weapon to accuse him of the fake murder. This thesis is divided into five chapters. Chapter One briefly illustrates the background of this novel, my research motivations and objectives, as well as the theories of this thesis. Chapter Two begins with her parents’ children book series, Amazing Amy, to discuss how Amy struggles with either embracing or rejecting this literary idealization; how her purposeful disappearance successfully wins the society’s attention while making Nick pant under the masses’ reproachful consensus. Chapter Three, on the other hand, starts from Nick’s experience of childhood abuse to explore the husband’s deepest fear of duplicating his father’s violent behavior pattern, and his compromise to stay in the marital prison with his scheming wife. Chapter Four focuses on how Amy manipulates her image of a damaged woman as a means of winning sympathy from Desi, her ex-boyfriend, and from the media, which charges Nick with murdering his wife even before the police’s investigation comes to an end. In Chapter Five, I seek to propose some alternatives for Nick, Amy, and people like them to release from the haunting trauma of the family of origin.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070159009