標題: 日月光併購矽品對IC封裝測試產業之影響
The Impact from ASE merging SPIL on IC assembly-Test Industry
作者: 米軒皞
Mi, Hsuan-Hao
Shieh, Gwo-Wen
關鍵字: 併購;半導體;封裝測試;日月光;矽品;Merge;Semiconductor;Assembly-test;ASE;SPIL
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 台灣在全球半導體產業有著舉足輕重的地位,在整個產業鏈中都有具代表性的公司,例如晶圓代工的龍頭台積電,IC設計的聯發科,IC封裝測試的龍頭日月光以及排名第3的矽品日月光與矽品。2014年底開始中國大陸強力扶植自有半導體產業鏈,這對離中國距離最近且關係最深遠的台灣毫無疑問是個警訊,再加上全球半導體不斷的有併購案發生,台灣身為半導體產業重鎮當然不能置身於事外,而2015最震撼的消息便是IC封測龍頭日月光無預警地宣布併購矽品,讓整個封測代工業紛紛緊張了起來,本篇論文便是要以個案研究的方式去探討此一行為的前因後果,以及後續對整個封測代工產業的影響,整篇論文探討重點主軸如下列 1.日月光併購矽品之動機 2.日月光併購矽品歷程與攻防策略 3.相關併購案例比較分析 4.此併購案對封測產業影響綜效
The Semi-conductor industries in Taiwan have a pivotal position in the global supply chain, and lots of well known companies such as the leading foundry TSMC , and the IC design house Mediatek, and ASE, the global ranking number one; SPIL, the global ranking number3 of IC packaging and testing companies. China government starts to support and promote its own semi-conductor industry supply chain strongly since 2014. China’s approaching on this is quite a huge alarm and influential to Taiwan who is very close to China in Geographically. Recently there are many merging activities happening among semi-conductor industries. Of course Taiwan who is being a important role cannot stay out of this situation. In 2015, the most shocking news is that the leading packaging and testing house ASE announced to merge SPIL by collecting shares in the public market without warning in advance. The whole packaging and tests industry have been tense up due to this event. The main topic of this pepper is to study the cause and effect of this event, and also the influence to whole packaging and testing industries, the main agendas list as following 1.The motivation of merging SPIL by ASE 2.The whole merging events and how SPIL defend it 3.Comparative analysis of the relevant merger case 4.The synergies and impact on the packaging and testing industry by the merge event
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363129