標題: 整合語意功能至符合oneM2M標準之物聯網平台
Integrating Semantic Functionalities into oneM2M Compliant Platform
作者: 鄭光育
Zheng, Guang-Yu
Zao, John Kar-Kin
關鍵字: 語意;物聯網平台;語意網;oneM2M;Semantics;M2M Platform;Semantic Web;oneM2M
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 在物聯網平台標準的發展中,一個重要的議題是探討如何透過語意來達成不同物聯網服務之間的水平整合以及為物聯網服務提供更多的加值功能。本研究的重點在於探討如何結合物聯網和語意網這兩個不同的領域,並根據oneM2M官方發佈的標準報告TR-0007,設計具備語意處理功能的物聯網平台架構,實現語意標註以及語意搜尋這兩大語意服務。我們在原有架構中融入了SPARQL Endpoint服務,透過該服務進行語意資訊的管理及查詢;並且針對oneM2M服務層進行改良,在服務層中設計及實現語意引擎模組,處理oneM2M服務層中的語意服務請求。在實作上我們選擇以OM2M作為開發平台,透過實現本研究提出的設計,開發一個具備語意服務功能的物聯網平台。最後,我們在此平台上實際建立一個結合全球個人天氣站的物聯網服務作為案例研究,展示如何透過此平台建立具備語意功能的物聯網應用。
In the research of IoT/M2M platform standards, one of the important issues is how to use semantics and its related technology to enable the horizontal interoperability between heterogeneous M2M applications and how to provide more value-added services with semantic functions. The main focus of this study is to investigate how to integrate these two different domains, IoT and Semantic Web. Based on the oneM2M official technique report TR-0007, we extend oneM2M system architecture for adapting the semantic web technology to enable semantic annotation and semantic discovery functions in oneM2M. We integrate SPARQL endpoint service into the original architecture and use it as the management and query service for semantic information. We also enhance the oneM2M common service layer by developing a semantics engine for handling semantics and semantic functions in oneM2M. For the system implementation, we choose OM2M as our development platform. Through the realization of the design proposed in this study, we have developed a semantics-enabled oneM2M compliant platform. Finally, we use a case study to demonstrate how to build and deploy a semantics-enabled IoT application based on our platform.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070356010