標題: 心理機制對建言行為的影響:倫理領導的調節角色
The Influence of Psychological Mechanism on Voice Behavior: The Moderating Role of Ethical Leadership
作者: 何建韋
Ho, Chien-Wei
Hu, Jin-Li
關鍵字: 知覺組織對家庭的支持;知覺組織支持;支持性建言;建設性建言;倫理領導;Family-Supportive Organizational Perceptions (FSOP);Perceived of Organizational Support (POS);Supportive Voice;Constructive Voice;Ethical Leadership
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 基於社會交換理論,本研究檢驗知覺到組織對家庭的支持(FSOP)、知覺組織支持(POS)及建言行為(支持性和建設性建言)之間的關係,並進一步探討倫理領導在知覺組織支持及建言行為之間的調節角色。本研究共收集了235份問卷,來自於22家台灣金融業的分行。根據階層線性回歸(HLM)的分析,本研究結果發現知覺到組織對家庭的支持會正向影響知覺組織支持,而且知覺組織支持也會正面地影響支持性和建設性建言。此外,倫理領導也會正向地調節知覺組織支持和建設性建言之間的關係。研究成果將不僅能給予一些實務上建議,還能豐富化組織溝通、領導及組織行為方面的研究。
Based on the social exchange theory, this study examines the relationships among family-supportive organizational perceptions (FSOP), perceived organizational support (POS), and promotive voice (supportive and constructive voice) and further explores the moderating effect of ethical leadership on the relationship between POS and promotive voice. Our study collected 235 questionnaires from respondents in 22 sectors of Taiwan’s financial industry. From the analysis of HLM (hierarchical linear modeling), our study contributes to the organizational communication, leadership, and organizational behavior literature by showing that FSOP positively impact POS, and POS also significantly influences supportive and constructive voice. Moreover, ethical leadership significantly positively moderates the relation between POS and constructive voice.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070183705