DC 栏位语言
dc.contributor.authorLiu, Chia-yuen_US
dc.contributor.authorLin, Lu-Chunen_US
dc.description.abstract阅读,一向被视为外语学习的重要资源,台湾教育部也于九年一贯英语课能力指标中,明确指出阅读是初级阶段便需要开始培养的能力。字母拼读法(Phonics)经常被用于帮助学童阅读能力的培养,台湾教育部也将字母拼读法列为初阶英语能力养成指标之一,并阐述学童必须具备看字念音的能力,进而发展英语阅读技能。虽然目前台湾教育当局仍禁止幼稚园阶段实施英语教学,但相关研究却指出约有三分之一的公立幼稚园,以及将近97.2百分比的私立幼稚园,提供各类英文学习活动,让幼稚园孩童有接触英文学习的机会 (Lin & Johnson, 2016)。然而,鲜少相关研究有系统地探究学龄前幼稚园阶段的有效早期阅读教学方法。
此准实验研究旨在探究两种字母拼读法: 故事内含字母拼读教学(Embedded Phonics instruction)与直接字母拼读教学(Direct Phonics instruction),对于台湾幼稚园学童音韵觉识发展与字汇学习的成效影响。本实验为期五周,分两阶段进行,共五十四位幼稚园大班学童与一位中籍英文老师参与。 学童以班级为单位随意分配为故事内含字母拼读教学组与直接字母拼读教学组。第一阶段,两组学童分别接受每周两次,每次40分钟的字母拼读法教学。其中,故事内含字母拼读教学组的字母拼读教学法整合于故事阅读活动中进行;直接字母拼读教学组则以直接、不包含故事阅读的方式直接进行字母拼读法教学。第二阶段,两组学童皆分别参与一对一学习成效测验,用以收集数据比较两组幼稚园学童对于尾韵辨识(rhyme recognition)、中间母音运用(medial vowel application) 、 声音解码(sound decoding),以及字汇学习(word learning)的学习成效。研究资料包括幼稚园学童的前测与后测成绩,并以独立样本t检定(independent-sample t -tests)与配对样本t检定(pair-sample t -tests)来分别检定两组幼稚园学童在实验前的先备知识以及实验后的进步程度,并以多变量变异数分析(MANOVA)对两组之间的学习成效进行比较。分析结果显示,故事内含字母拼读教学与直接字母拼读教学对台湾幼稚园学童的尾韵辨识、中间母音运用、声音解码、以及字汇学习皆有显着的教学成效;然而两组在尾韵辨识、中间母音运用、声音解码并无显着的组间差异,唯独在字汇学习项目上,故事内含字母拼读教学明显比直接字母拼读教学更有成效。
dc.description.abstractReading has been seen as a valuable resource for learning a foreign language. The Ministry of Education in Taiwan has also stated in the Grade 1–9 Curriculum Guidelines that students should develop English reading skills at the initial stage of English learning. Although Taiwanese officials still prohibits English teaching in kindergartens, research has shown that about one third of the public kindergartens and nearly 97.2% of private kindergartens provide diverse English learning activities that engage children with English learning (Lin & Johnson, 2016). Nonetheless, little research has systematically investigate methods to effective early reading instruction at kindergarten level.
Phonics is often seen as a method used to facilitate early reading development. Taiwanese officials have also stipulated phonics as a learning objective in the initial stage of English learning. Students are expected to be able to sound out words using phonics knowledge, and further develop English reading skills.
This quasi-experimental study aimed at comparing the effects of two phonics instructional approaches: Direct Phonics instruction (DI) and Embedded Phonics instruction (EP) on Taiwanese kindergarten children’s learning of phonological awareness and words. The experiment lasted for five weeks; 54 kindergarten children aged from 6 to 7 and one Chinese-speaking English teacher participated in this study. Each class was assigned to either the DI group or the EP group randomly. The children of both groups received instruction on phonics rules twice a week, 40 minutes each time. The EP group learned phonics in the course of storytelling activities, whereas the DI group learned phonics directly without the story context. Before and after the respective phonics instruction, each child received one-on-one pre- and posttest on their knowledge of rhyme recognition, medial vowel application, sound decoding, and word learning to compare the effectiveness of the two phonics instructions.
The data for analyses included the kindergarteners’ pretest and posttest results; independent-sample t -tests and pair-sample t -tests were used to inspect the kindergarteners’ prior knowledge and the extent of improvement after the intervention. A multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) was employed to compare the learning outcome of the two groups. The results showed that both EP and DI resulted in significant improvement on the kindergarteners’ learning of rhyme recognition, medial vowel application, sound decoding and word learning. There were no significant differences between the two groups on the learning of rhyme recognition, medial vowel application, and sound decoding. However, the children in the EP group were found to have better word learning outcomes.
The study provided pedagogical implications that phonics instruction, word learning, and real reading should be integrated in the early reading program to facilitate children’s reading development. Phonics instruction should be carried out with reading activities to allow the use of phonics in real reading; and words should be taught within context for children to learn not only the meaning but also the usages in context.
dc.subjectreading instructionen_US
dc.subjectearly reading developmenten_US
dc.subjectphonological awarenessen_US
dc.subjectsound decodingen_US
dc.subjectembedded phonics instructionen_US
dc.subjectdirect phonics instructionen_US
dc.subjectbalanced readingen_US
dc.titleDeveloping Phonological Awareness and Learning Words Through Embedded Phonics Instruction versus Direct Phonics Instruction Among EFL Kindergarteners in Taiwanen_US