標題: An efficient venturi scrubber system to remove submicron particles in exhaust gas
作者: Tsai, CJ
Lin, CH
Wang, YM
Hunag, CH
Li, SN
Wu, ZX
Wang, FC
Institute of Environmental Engineering
公開日期: 1-三月-2005
摘要: An efficient venturi scrubber system making use of heterogeneous nucleation and condensational growth of particles was designed and tested to remove fine particles from the exhaust of a local scrubber where residual SiH4 gas was abated and lots of fine SiO2 particles were generated. In front of the venturi scrubber, normal-temperature fine-water mist mixes with high-temperature exhaust gas to cool it to the saturation temperature, allowing submicron particles to grow into micron sizes. The grown particles are then scrubbed efficiently in the venturi scrubber. Test results show that the present venturi scrubber system is effective for removing submicron particles. For SiO2 particles greater than 0.1 mum, the removal efficiency is greater than 80-90%, depending on particle concentration. The corresponding pressure drop is relatively low. For example, the pressure drop of the venturi scrubber is similar to15.4 +/- 2.4 cm H2O when the liquid-to-gas ratio is 1.50 L/m(3). A theoretical calculation has been conducted to simulate particle growth process and the removal efficiency of the venturi scrubber. The theoretical results agree with the experimental data reasonably well when SiO2 particle diameter is greater than 0.1 mum.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/13926
ISSN: 1047-3289
Volume: 55
Issue: 3
起始頁: 319
結束頁: 325


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