標題: 臺灣銀行業兩岸布局策略研究
A Research on Configuration Strategies of Taiwan Banking Industry in Two-Strait
作者: 林彥廷
關鍵字: 台資銀行;兩岸金融;金融科技;市場-制度-技術;Taiwan Banking Industry;Cross-Strait Finance;FinTech;M-I-T
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 自從兩岸簽訂MOU及ECFA後,兩岸金融市場之藩籬已逐漸打破,雙方金融往來頻繁,許多台資銀行已經進入中國設立子行或分行。本論文研究臺灣銀行業在中國大陸之布局策略為題,以SWOT作為分析架構,分析台資銀行之優劣勢所在,針對三大策略方向,包括平台與跨領域整合策略、產品與服務策略、產業與區域佈局策略等,對台資銀行給予策略與建議。此外,本文參酌承立平教授所提出市場(Market)、制度(Institutions)、技術(Technology)即 M-I-T之模式論點,即以技術面創造市場機會、由制度面構成市場性、以市場需求推動技術和制度之三種發展態勢給予台資銀行在中國發展之策略建議,來作為本文之研究結論。
The barriers of financial markets in cross-strait has been gradually broken sicne MOU and ECFA has been signed by China and Taiwan. The banking financial activities are very visible booming. Many Taiwan-funded banks have enterned into China markets to set up either branches or subsidiaries.This study will based on Taiwan’s banking strategy in Chinam, and leverage with SWOT analysist tool, to further indentify the advantage and disvantage of Taiwan’s banking fields. The main purpose of this study is focus on three directions: The platform and intergration, product services and solution, industry and regional distribution. In the end, shall sum up a solutions and advices for Taiwan-funded banks. At the same time, the theory devised by Dr. Li-Ping Cheng: M-I-T (Market-Institution-Technology) is an great reference resource for study.It helps and leads this study into summay:Technology cancreat great market opportunities; a fine system can consitutue the market needs; market demands can drive technology and system. The study draws a conclusion and strategy in developing market in China for Taiwan-funded banks’reference.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363926