標題: 台南特色音景探討與音景地圖裝置實作
A Research of Characteristic Soundscape of Tainan and the Implement of Soundscape Map Installation
作者: 彭筱涵
Peng, Hsiao-Han
Tseng, Yu-Chung
關鍵字: 音景;台南;導電漆;Arduino;Max/Msp;Soundscape;Tainan;Conductive ink;Arduino;Max/Msp
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本研究之主軸在於探討台南的音景特色,並試圖透過音景地圖裝置協助各 區政之特色呈現,在音景檔案的選擇上,以台南官方文化文獻資料為基礎,精選代表性較為顯著的十項區政(仁德區、安平區、新化區、左鎮區、南化區、官田區、麻豆區、北門區、鹽水區、白河區)進行田野錄音,並採用音景三元素、音景分類法、頻譜等分析方式與環境認知之概念導入與問卷研究,進而探究與驗證十項區政的音景特色性及對於台南人的影響。 在裝置實作上,以導電漆作為主要感測原料,並藉由Arduino與Max/Msp實踐軟硬體結合,達成參數溝通,並設計三項符合音景理念之互動軟體,透過台南音景檔案與軟體的使用,使用者得以感受到台南的文化內涵。 此外,亦以「裝置試用及評估問卷」,分析受測者對於本裝置之各項使用回饋,進而總結本研究之成果,並規劃未來展望。
The emphasis of the thesis is to explore the characteristics of Tainan soundscape, and to assist users to understand the outstanding soundscapes of some regions in Tainan through the soundscape map installation implemented inside this research. The selecting and recording of the most representative soundscape of 10 districts of Tainan city was based on the official Tainan culture literature. The three elements of soundscape, the taxonomy of soundscape, spectrogram, and the condition of environmental cognition are employed to explore and validate the influence of soundscape characteristic of those districts on Tainan people. For the implement of the soundscape map installation, the conductive ink was used as the sensing material combining with Arduino and Max/Msp. Data generated from the installation, can be utilized to control the program that includes the design of soundscape concept. Users can feel the connotation of Tainan culture through interacting with the installation. Furthermore, the “Device Use and Assessment Questionnaire” was used to gather the users’ feedback on using this installation and to conclude this thesis.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070251911