Title: 在HEVC上基於可調性手風琴變形之視訊壓縮方法
Adaptive Accordion Transformation based video compression method on HEVC
Authors: 紀宏勳
Keywords: 手風琴變形;畫面內編碼;高效率視頻編碼;視訊編碼;視訊壓縮;accordion transformation;intra coding;HEVC;video coding;video compression
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 視訊編碼追求的是快的處理速度和高壓縮比,越高的解析度和畫面品質越有這些需求。然而,這兩項需求是很難同時兼顧的,因為越高的壓縮比通常需要越複雜的編碼技術。Ouni等人提出一種基於手風琴變形(ACC)的新編碼方法,這種方法將多個視訊畫面組合成一個手風琴形狀的畫面,並將這個畫面用於壓縮,能用較低複雜度的編碼方式達到很高的壓縮比。對於畫面內容變化不大的影片,ACC在high bit-rates的編碼效果與H.264/AVC差不多。但是,將ACC編碼技術應用於HEVC可能不會更好,因為HEVC的編碼效率比H.264/AVC好的非常多。
Fast processing speed and high compression ratio are always expected for video coding, especially for dealing with the increase of video resolutions and the demand of high quality. However, it is hard to compromise between each other since high compression ratio usually requires high coding complexities. Ouni et al. proposed a novel method called accordion-based (ACC) coding in which multiple video frames are combined into an accordion-like representation for compression and it can achieve high compression ratio with low coding complexity. Its coding efficiency is close to H.264/AVC for low-motion video at high bit-rates. However, it may no longer have benefit when applying the ACC to HEVC because HEVC has much better coding efficiency than H.264/AVC. Besides, it is not likely that all the frames in a video sequence are low-motion and thus suitable for ACC coding. To cope with these problems, in this thesis we propose an adaptive method which dynamically switches between accordion-based coding and traditional HEVC coding according to the characteristics of video frames. The experiment result shows that the proposed method can achieve up to 21.1% of total bit-rate saving and 58.6% of encoding time saving, compared to HEVC.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070356053
Appears in Collections:Thesis