Title: | 新穎二價銪離子激活螢光體之合成、特性鑑定與其在照明之應用 Synthesis and Luminescence Characterization of Novel Eu2+-Activated Phosohors for Lighting Application |
Authors: | 吳佳珉 陳登銘 Wu,Chia-Ming 應用化學系碩博士班 |
Keywords: | 螢光體;phosphors |
Issue Date: | 2016 |
Abstract: | 利用近紫外光晶片搭配螢光粉已產生白光為固態照明發展的主要課題之一。本研究利用固態合成法以及密閉石英玻璃管成功製備Eu2+激活的Ca3Si6O12N2:Eu2+、Sr2BN2Cl:Eu2+與NaBa4(Si3S10)Cl:Eu2+等三種螢光體。本研究所合成螢光體激發波段於近紫外光區,而放射藍至藍綠光波長,皆於可見光波段。 此外,利用X光粉末繞射、螢光光譜、電子顯微鏡與積分球等儀器被用以量測上述螢光粉之特性。本論文第一部分探討螢光粉合成與X光繞射晶相鑑定分析,第二部分探討電子顯微影像分析, Eu2+活化螢光體之發光特性、漫反射光譜研究,螢光熱淬滅效應與螢光壽命衰減時間研究,最後為應用於白光發光二極體之封裝並探討其發光特性。 White LEDs fabricated with near-UV LED chips and compatible R/G/B phosphors is the main stream of current solid-state lighting device. In this research, we have successfully synthesized three novel Eu2+-activated phosphors, oxynitride Ca3Si6O12N2:Eu2+, nitridoborates Sr2BN2Cl:Eu2+and thiosilicate NaBa4(Si3S10)Cl:Eu2+ by using solid-state method or in evacuated sealed quarz glass tubes. The excitation band of three Eu2+ doped phosphors are in the range of near-UV , and the radiation wavelength from blue to blue-green band, are in the visible range.We have also reported the optimization of synthetic conditions for all phosphors and the analysis results using XRD. The phosphors were further characterized by electron microscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy to investigate their luminescence, microstructures, chromaticity, quantum efficiency and thermal quenching behaviors. Finally, we dicussed the results of fabrication of white-light LEDs by using the phosphor we synthesized in combination with LED chips. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070352553 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/139388 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |