標題: 顧客體驗與社群媒體行銷活動效果評析:二個社群媒體之實證研究
Evaluating the Effects of Customer Experience and Social Media Marketing Activities: Two Empirical Studies of Social Media
作者: 陳世智
Chen, Shih-Chih
Lin, Chieh-Peng
關鍵字: 顧客體驗;社群媒體行銷活動;社群認同;知覺價值;持續使用意圖;參與意圖;購買意圖;社群關係維繫;Customer Experience;Social Media Marketing Activities;Social Identification;Perceived Value;Continuance Intention;Participate Intention;Purchase Intention;Sustainable Social Relationship
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 社群媒體是現今一種強而有力的行銷工具,而它的普及也引起行銷學者與業者的關注。隨著網際網路的興盛,社群媒體已成為行銷傳播活動的重要場域,個人與企業紛紛在網路平臺建立粉絲專頁,並透過社群媒體的力量開發商機。過去雖然相當多的研究與社群媒體有關,但它們鮮少提及社群媒體行銷活動的效果。因此,本研究主要分成兩個部分。第一個研究主題提出一整合性模型,用以了解與檢驗部落格行銷環境中的永續社群關係與持續使用意圖如何形成。研究模型主要包含一個二階外生形成型構面 (顧客體驗)、三個中介構面 (知覺價值、滿意度與持續使用意圖)與一個內生構面 (永續社群關係)。分析結果顯示,滿意度與持續使用意圖直接且顯著影響永續社群關係,而顧客體驗與知覺價值則對分別對持續使用意圖與滿意度具有直接效果。然而,顧客體驗對持續使用意圖的影響則不顯著。此外,本研究也證實顧客體驗與知覺價值則透過滿意度與持續使用意圖對永續社群關係產生中介效果。 第二個研究主題主要探討社群媒體行銷活動透過社群認同、知覺價值、滿意度對持續使用意圖、參與意圖與購買意圖的影響。為了探討社群媒體行銷活動對於持續使用意圖、參與意圖與購買意圖的影響效果,針對社群媒體之503位使用者進行網路問卷調查。分析結果顯示,社群媒體行銷活動對社群認同與知覺價值皆有正向影響;使用者對社群認同與知覺價值的認知會顯著提升滿意度。此外,透過滿意度,社群媒體行銷活動、社群認同、知覺價值對持續使用意圖、參與意圖與購買意圖皆有顯著的間接影響。最後,根據本研究的分析結果提出學術與管理意涵,以供企業在社群媒體行銷營運之參考。
Social media is currently powerful instrument and their proliferation has attracted substantial attention from marketing practitioners and academics. Following the popularization of the Internet, social media has become an important means for marketing events. Individuals and companies both create fan pages on online platforms and develop business opportunities using social media. While many past studies investigated social media, few mention the effects of social media marketing activities. This study is divided into two parts including Study 1 and Study 2. The aim of first study is to propose a model to understand and examine during the formation of sustainable social relationships and the continued usage of blogs in marketing contexts. In Study 1, two exogenous constructs – customer experience and perceived value – have not only direct impact on satisfaction and intention to continue to use blogs, but also indirectly influence customers’/citizens’ sustainable social relationship with blogs through the mediation of satisfaction and continuance intention. The analysis results herein demonstrate that sustainable social relationship is determined significantly by continuance intention and satisfaction toward blogs, while the influences of customer experience and perceived value on satisfaction are both respectively significant. However, the direct influence of customer experience on continuance intention is insignificant. In addition, this study examined and empirically confirmed the mediating role of continuance intention and satisfaction on blogs between customer experience and perceived value. Study 2 investigated the effects of social identification, perceived value, and satisfaction on continuance intention, participate intention and purchase intention with regards to social media marketing activities. In order to investigate the effects of social media marketing activities on continuance intention, participate intention and purchase intention, Study 2 conducted an online questionnaire with 503 social media users. The analysis results indicated that social media marketing activities positively affect social identification and perceived value and that users' social identification and perceived value increase satisfaction. In addition, social media marketing activities, social identification, perceived value have indirect significant effects on continuance intention, participate intention and purchase intention through satisfaction. Finally, the findings of this research propose the detailed theoretical and managerial implications for academicians, social media operators and government agencies.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079937804