標題: 造紙業燃煤鍋爐副產品混燒飛灰應用於 自充填混凝土之研究
Application By-Products from Paper Industry with Co-Firing Fly Ash on Self-Compacting Concrete
作者: 吳明璿
Wu, Ming-Hsuan
Jau, Wen-Chen
關鍵字: 自充填混凝土;漿紙汙泥;混燒飛灰;SCC;Paper Sludge;Co-Firing Fly Ash
公開日期: 2016
摘要:   鑑於近年來漿紙汙泥的不當處理、掩埋,所造成的環境汙染或其他衍生問題,實有必要對其回收再利用並妥善的處理,現今常以漿紙汙泥與煤在鍋爐混燒作為其再利用之方法,其混燒廢棄物混燒飛灰,性質與飛灰相似,若是其可以取代飛灰,或者依特定比例與飛灰混合,可以近似於飛灰的各種特性,對資源再利用、環境的保護將有極大的貢獻。   本實驗係以C公司之漿紙汙泥與煤在鍋爐混燒後所產生之混燒飛灰,與純燃煤鍋爐所產生之一般性飛灰,利用不同重量比例混合成混合飛灰,將其應用在自充填混凝土(SCC)中,並研究其工程性質。實驗配比主要以膠結材料水泥、爐石、飛灰的不同比例,搭配一般飛灰與不同混合比例之混合飛灰所組成,共設計出24組配比,水膠比分別有0.32與0.38,養護環境為飽和石灰水。   規劃研究試驗項目有:坍流度試驗、U-test、V-test、各齡期(3、7、14、28、56、90天)之抗壓強度、劈裂強度、各齡期(1~7、14、28、56、90天)之重量損失、收縮膨脹、表面電阻。藉此探討在使用混合飛灰之後,是否依舊能夠符合SCC的工作性要求,並與使用一般正常飛灰之試體比較其耐久性、力學性質、體積穩定性、工作性等差異,希望未來能夠讓此工業副產品能夠有效應用在自充填混凝土上,以達資源再利用,環境永續的目標。
Due to the inappropriate burial of paper sludge, it has caused serious environment related problems; nowadays, people usually recycle it by co-firing paper sludge and coal in the boiler. The co-fired fly ash is almost same as fly ash. If the feature of co-fired fly ash could be closer to fly ash by replacing the fly ash or combine co-fired fly ash and fly ash with a specific proportion, there would be massive contribution to resource recycling and environmental protection. This experiment is about using different weight proportion of the co-fired fly ash, from co-firing paper sludge and coal in the boiler, and the ordinary fly ash, from the coal-fired boiler. We use this kind of combined fly ash into self-compacting concrete (SCC); moreover, research its engineering properties. The test is blended of bonding material, cement, slag and fly ash. Designed into 24 different mixture proportioning. The binder ratios have two different kinds: 0.32, 0.38. The environment of curing is saturated lime water. The research items includes: slump-test, U-test, V-test, compressive strength test of each ages( 3, 7, 14, 28, 56, 90 days), tensile splitting strength test, rate of weight loss of each ages( 1~7, 14, 28, 56, 90 days), convergent-divergent and dermal resistance. Discuss after using mixed fly ash. See if it could meet the workability of SCC; plus, compare to the ordinary fly ash with the durability, strength, the stability of bulk and workability. Hope we could effectively use this industrial by-product on self-compacting concrete, to the goal of resource recycling and environmental sustainability.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070351219