Title: 金融科技之群眾募資專案成效之研究
A Study of FinTech: The Effect of Crowdfunding Performance
Authors: 楊東杰
Yang, Tung-Chieh
Sun, Chuen-Tsai
Keywords: 金融科技;群眾募資;去中間化;新創產業;逐步迴歸;FinTech;crowdfunding;reduced intermediation;stepwise regression
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 隨著網際網路普及以及資訊產業的崛起,金融業與科技業的整合造就了金融科技(FinTech)。群眾募資即是金融科技中重要的一環,其運作模式就如同台灣傳統社會的互助會可藉由群眾的力量籌募資金,新創產業不僅能藉由群眾募資平台獲取由世界各地網路群眾所提供的資金,亦可借助此網路平台進行商品行銷且同時評估商品市場。群眾募資之所以會在世界各地蓬勃發展並引起全球金融機構的關注原因在於其去中間化的過程,此過程讓新創產業可以直接面對潛在消費者,在達到低成本行銷的功能外,同時可因應消費者的需求生產出更符合市場期待的產品。 群眾募資平台在近年來所募集到的資金持續成長,但是平台上的專案成功率卻普遍低於五成,因此本研究採用逐步迴歸分析法對於影響募資平台專案成效的因素進行研究分析,希望藉由本論文研究結果讓台灣新創產業得以掌握專案成敗的關鍵因素進而促進台灣新創產業的大環境發展。 本論文以台灣具指標性的回饋型群眾募資平台flyingV中歷史專案資訊作為研究樣本,採用逐步回歸分析法由四個影響面向對於群眾募資專案成效進行研究,其一為專案所設定的回饋方案;其二為專案募資時機;其三為募資者與群眾的互動,最後為群眾參與。藉由對於上述四個影響面向的分析結果探討影響專案成效的關鍵因素。
FinTech is an integrated service which combines financial mechanism and information technology to improving the efficiency of financial services. Crowdfunding is a type of rotating savings and credit association in web 2.0. It is one of most important FinTech innovations and also a popular way to raise money for a startup. The percentage of projects that succeed to achieve the goal amount on crowdfunding platform is under 50%. Approaches to estimating the probability of success for a project is an important issue in crowdfunding field. The purpose of this research is to construct a regression model examining the impact on crowdfunding success. The sample includes 761 campaigns on flyingV was analyzed by using regression-based method. Initiator further can use this regression model to predict the crowdfunding campaign success.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070356811
Appears in Collections:Thesis