標題: C型與螺旋架構用於平面寬頻單極天線之研究
Study of C-shaped and spiral structures for the design of planar wideband monopole antenna
作者: 林志彥
關鍵字: C;螺旋;C;shaped
公開日期: 2014
摘要: 在此研究中 , 我們提出一個使用FR4製程的單極天線 , 此天線透過使用螺旋與C型架構的使用 , 以引發在2,2.4,3.6,4.9,5.2 GHz的共振 , 進而使天線可有2.4GHz~ 5.2 GHz的寬闊頻寬(-10dB 反射係數)。此天線佔據體積為30mm*30mm*1.6mm。量測的結果可確認此天線能操作在2.21GHz~5.13GHz之間。
In this study, a planar monopole antenna using FR4 technology is proposed. With the use of spiral and c-shape structure, this antenna is capable to resonate at 2,2.4,3.6,4.9,5.2 GHz, By merging these resonances, this antenna is having a wide impedance bandwidth(2.4~5.2 GHz) in terms of -10 dB return loss.This antenna sizes 30mm*30mm*1.6mm. The measured result validates the performance of this antenna which is capable to operate at 2.21 GHz~ 5.13 GHz.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079867555