Title: 雙重中性粒子束氧化處理於高介電係數二氧化鋯及銦鎵鋅氧通道電晶體之研究
The Study of InGaZnO Thin Film Transistors with Dual Treatment of Pre-oxidation ZrO2 High-ĸ Dielectric and Post-oxidation InGaZnO Channel by Neutral Beam System
Authors: 林鈺軒
Lin, Yu-Hsuan
Chang, Kow-Ming
Shew, Bor-Yuan
Keywords: 薄膜電晶體;氧化銦鎵鋅;大氣壓電漿輔助化學氣相沉積;中性粒子束;Thin Film Transistors;InGaZnO;Neutral Beam System;AP-PECVD
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 因為非晶的氧化銦鎵鋅薄膜電晶體,具備較好的場效遷移率,較小的次臨界擺幅和較穩定的電性,目前已被廣泛研究,並且應用在下世代的主動式陣列顯示器,例如: 液晶顯示器和平板顯示器。




我們成功的藉由大氣壓電漿輔助化學氣相沉積製作出以二氧化鋯當氧化層的非晶銦鎵鋅氧薄膜電晶體,它的電子遷移率有12.26 cm2/(V•S),臨界電壓 1.77 伏特,次臨界擺幅 124 mV/decade,開關電流比 4.2×10^5。而經中性電子束氧電漿處理過的二氧化鋯當氧化層的非晶銦鎵鋅氧薄膜電晶體表現出更佳的電性,它擁有更高的電子遷移率52.22 cm2/V•S,臨界電壓 2.86伏特,更小的次臨界擺幅 74 mV/decade,更高的開關電流比 8.2×10^5。
Amorphous InGaZnO (a-IGZO) Thin Film Transistor (TFTs) has been studied extensively for their perspective applications in next generation active-matrix displays such as liquid crystal displays and flat-panel displays, due to its better field-effect mobility, smaller subthreshold swing (SS) and better electrical characteristics.

In this investigation, we used atmospheric-pressure PECVD (AP-PECVD) to deposit our IGZO active layer. With AP-PECVD, we could deposit IGZO thin film without vacuum system, thus, it could lower our cost, improved the throughput, and applied to large area manufacturing.

As the scaling to Moore’s law, it is terrible that gate oxide is too thin (1.4nm) which caused an intolerable gate leakage due to direct tunneling current. We use the high- material ZrO2 as our oxide to achieve the thinner EOT (4.05nm) and high on current but not degrade the leakage current. Furthermore, the post N2 plasma treatment on ZrO2 oxide can modify the physical and electrical properties, such as RMS, leakage current, the formation of interfacial layer, et al. We could use the modified ZrO2 thin film which shows better electrical properties as the a-IGZO TFT oxide. Thus, the a-IGZO TFT will exhibits better electrical characteristics.

Neutral beam is a promising candidate for the practical fabrication technology for future nano-devices because of damage-free and surface modification of inorganic/organic materials. We use neutral beams in our IGZO and ZrO2 thin films. Thus, our transistors will exhibits better electrical characteristics.

Successfully, we fabricated a-IGZO TFT with AP-PECVD using ZrO2 high-k dielectric. It exhibits comparable mobility of 12.26 cm2/V•S, VT of 1.77 V, subthreshold swing of 124 mV/decade, Ion/Ioff is 4.2×10^5. With the post O2 plasma treatment on ZrO2 oxide by neutral beams, the a-IGZO TFT exhibits higher mobility of 52.22 cm2/V•S, VT of 2.86 V, lower subthreshold swing of 74 mV/decade, higher Ion/Ioff of 8.2×10^5.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070351804
Appears in Collections:Thesis