標題: 以安全文化建置改善職業安全衛生管理-以金屬製品製造業為例
In order to establish a safety culture to improve occupational safety and health management - metal products manufacturing institution as a example .
作者: 陳宛君
Chen, Wan-Chun
關鍵字: 安全文化;職業安全衛生管理;金屬製品製造業;安全衛生管理;Safety culture;occupational safety and health management;metal products manufacturing;safety and health management
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 金屬製品製造業工作屬於勞力密集型的作業,使用的機械設備器具又屬於職災時發生傷殘較嚴重的類型,面對職業安全衛生法上路,雇主應當時實施的事務和責任加重時,如何將事業單位內的職業安全衛生加以改善,並確認其管理的有效性顯得格外重要了! 本研究參考相關文獻,採用安全文化成長模式進行調查,針對管理階層的承諾、溝通、員工參與、教育訓練、學習性組織五大因素,對某金屬製品製造業之事業單位進行安全文化問卷調查,總計發出199份問卷,回收189份,有效問卷共178份,問卷的整體平均分數為3.2分。 研究結果顯示調查之安全文化結果屬於參與邁向合作階段,目前該事業單位擬定主要改善的要項,將落後整體平均分數項目列為為改善該事業單位職業安全衛生管理的切入要項之一,主要改善方法如下:1.針對調查結果顯示較弱因素加以規劃、2.仍以P-D-C-A(Plan-DO-Check-Action)概念規劃進行、3.明確指出各階段管理階層以及基層人員應當注意的執行重點,避免責任死角,並昭告全體人員參與、4.收集正確完整資料且妥善傳達與訓練。
Metal products manufacturing jobs belong to labor-intensive jobs, which used the machinery and appliances type is the more serious type when the occupational injury happened. The employers should have more responsibilities and extra missions to in accordance with Occupational Safety and Health Act. To improve occupational safety and health institutions, and confirm the management effectively are important particularly. This study refers to the relevant literature, and use a safety culture survey Maturity. Five factors are discussed, those inclusions: commitment of management, communication, employee involvement, education and training, learning organization. Investigating for a metal products manufacturing industry institution, we had sent 199 questionnaires, 189 responses, effective questionnaires number is 178. The overall average score of the questionnaire was 3.2 points. The results show that the safety cultures are participating towards cooperation stage. Seeks to strengthen the safety culture and institutions, to enhance the safety awareness of workers, achieve improvement of occupational safety and health management goals. The institution to develop major improvements to entry, and list some items which lag behind the overall average score as the key elements to improve the institution's occupational safety and health management: 1.For survey results show weaker factors into planning. 2.Still fllowing the ISO mangement rules : PDCA (Plan-DO-Check-Action) conceptual planning. 3.Clear that the various stages of management as well as junior officers should be noted that implementation of the priority, to avoid liability dead, and told the crew to participate. 4.Correct and complete information properly collected and properly communicate with the training.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070261011